Höfische Wissensordnungen von Schiewer,  Hans-Jochen, Seeber,  Stefan

Höfische Wissensordnungen

Courtly mythologies and courtly knowledge orders are the central issues in this volume that brings together contributions from two colloquia held by the International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS). The main focus of the articles lies on mythical legitimization of power and of courtly ethics, on mythical principles of narration and on the distribution as well as hierachization of knowledge in and about texts. The volume presents examinations of a wide range of texts from ›Wigalois‹ and ›Herzog Ernst‹ to ›Mauritius von Craun‹, also taking into consideration the Alexander romances, the late medieval romances on love and adventure and the French ›Chevalier au Papegau‹. In the context of the current research focus on myth and knowlegde, the articles work towards new access to some of the major texts of medieval literature.

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