Candles In Heaven von Stindt,  Patricia

Candles In Heaven

Although death affects all living beings, and is part of life like birth, we humans have great reservations. Especially children have immense difficulties to handle the fact that a loved one is suddenly no longer amongst them.
The author was confronted in her life over and over again with the topic of dying and death; whether it is a dear person who „leaves“ or a beloved animal, which she also considers to be part of the family. The hurt is always enormous.
Talking about it is not easy, especially when it occurs in an acute situation. But it helps to cope with the loss and to process the grief.
„Candles In Heaven“ is the author’s attempt to face a child’s insecurity, fear and anxiety related to the complex theme of death. She deals with it with much empathy and imagination. The book, which is beautifully illustrated by Birgit Gaude, is a helpful companion for parents and other close relatives.
Naturally, the book is also recommended for educators, therapists and persons in charge in nursery schools.

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