Prag im Mai 1945

Prag im Mai 1945 von Kokoška,  Stanislav
This study takes a look at a nearly unknown chapter in the history of the relations between the Czechs and the Germans: the uprising of the underground movement under the leadership of the Czech National Council against the German occupiers on May 5, 1945. The American army was already in Pilsen, and the Russian army was on its way toward Prague. The poorly prepared uprising was meant to consummate the independence and self-liberation of the Czech people, but without the about-face and the intervention of the Wlassow army to help the insurgents, the uprising would surely have been squelched. On the evening of May 8 the German troops left Prague and the vicinities, and two days later the Russian army marched into Prague.Stanislav Kokoška’s study gives a precise description of the uprising against the dramatic background of the events of that time, and puts it in a frame of reference of both the German and Allied political and military strategy.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
> findR *

Michel Stüelers Gedenkbuch (1629–1649)

Michel Stüelers Gedenkbuch (1629–1649) von Kilian,  Jan, Medick,  Hans, und Gesellschaft,  Arbeitskreis Militär
Diese Edition eines einzigartigen Tagebuchs aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg ermöglicht Einsichten in den Alltag der städtischen Schichten in dieser Zeit.Der Gerber Michel Stüeler aus Graupen/Krupka in Böhmen führte die meiste Zeit seines Lebens ein Tagebuch, erhalten ist der Teil aus den Jahren 1629–1649. Im Unterschied zu anderen damaligen Schreibern ließ er die Privatsphäre nicht außen vor, sodass sein Werk auch Dinge schildert, die wir heute als kompromittierend betrachten würden: etwa den Alkoholismus des Autors, Sexualität, Aggresivität, den latenten Nichtkatholizismus. Stüeler hielt nicht nur Dinge fest, die seine Person und Familie betrafen, sondern auch denkwürdige Ereignisse in seiner Umgebung, etwa Angaben zu Tod und Hochzeit führender Bürger und seiner Bekannten, zur Geburt ihrer Kinder, wirtschaftliche Informationen (Preise landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse, klimatische Bedingungen, Ernten, Zinnbergbau), Angaben zu feindlichen Einfällen und Aufenthalten der Kaiserlichen, Anmerkungen zur amtlich-administrativen Tätigkeit in der Stadt, Kommentare zur örtlichen und zur benachbarten Obrigkeit und natürlich auch Informationen zur Kriminalität und zu den zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen allgemein. This edition of a unique chronicle from the Thirty Years War offers insights into the everyday life of the urban classes during this period.The Bohemian tanner Michael Stueler from Krupka in Bohemia kept a journal for most of his life, and the section from the years 1629–1649 has been preserved. Unlike other writers of his time, he did not leave out details of his private life, so that his work also describes aspects that we would today regard as compromising: the author’s alcoholism, sexuality and aggressiveness, and his latent non-catholicism. Stüeler not only recorded matters concerning himself and his family, but also noteworthy events in his environment such as the deaths and weddings of leading citizens and his acquaintances, the births of their children, economic information (the prices of agricultural produce, climate conditions, harvests, tin mining), details of enemy incursions and imperial visits, remarks on municipal administrative activities, comments on the local and neighbouring rulers, and of course also information on crime and interpersonal relations in general.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
> findR *

Bernard Bolzano Gesamtausgabe / Reihe II: Nachlaß. A. Nachgelassene Schriften. Band 15: Erbauungsreden der Studienjahre 1804/05 bis 1807/08

Bernard Bolzano Gesamtausgabe / Reihe II: Nachlaß. A. Nachgelassene Schriften. Band 15: Erbauungsreden der Studienjahre 1804/05 bis 1807/08 von Berg,  Jan, Bolzano,  Bernard, Kambartel,  Friedrich, Louzil,  Jaromír, Morscher,  Edgar, Rootselaar,  Bob van, Strasser,  Kurt F., Winter,  Eduard
From 1805 to 1820, Bernard Bolzano was professor of »religious doctrine« (Religionslehre) at the University of Prague. The lectures he had to deliver were part of the so-called »Philosophical Studies« that every student of the university had to complete before he entered the »higher« studies, i.e. the studies of medicine, law or theology. As professor of religious doctrine, Bolzano also had the duty to deliver the homilies on Sundays and holidays during the academic year to all the students of the »Philosophical Studies«. This explains the enormous influence Bolzano exerted through these homilies on the intellectual and political life of Bohemia in his time, whose offshoots reached even the Charta 77 movement in former Czechoslovakia. The chairs of religious doctrine were established by the Austrian emperor Franz at all universities of the Austrian empire in order to shape the students into »good Christians and law-abiding citizens« as it was ordered in a decree. The homilies Bolzano had to deliver at the University of Prague (as did all professors of religious doctrine at Austrian universities) were called ›Erbauungsreden‹ (edifying addresses) or ›exhortations‹. There is evidence for 582 ›Erbauungsreden‹ Bolzano delivered as a professor at the University of Prague of which 414 are extant; of these, 153 have not yet been published at all. The 414 ›Erbauungsreden‹ that are extant have survived in different form: some of them (70) as autographs, i.e. in Bolzano’s own handwriting, others in handwritten copies of Bolzano’s manuscripts, others in notes taken by Bolzano’s students. Several collections of Bolzano’s ›Erbauungsreden‹ have already appeared in print, some of them during Bolzano’s lifetime, while others were published posthumously by his students or other editors. – The new critical edition of Bolzano’s ›Erbauungsreden‹ presents all of them in chronological order. Those which are extant will be edited on the basis of the best version which has remained. Those ›Erbauungsreden‹ which are not extant will be documented and described according to an index Bolzano himself has prepared. In Bernard Bolzano’s first four academic years as a professor at the University of Prague he held 169 edification speeches, of which however only 13 have been preserved. An index which Bolzano compiled himself does however provide information on the content of all the other edification speeches held during this time. This volume contains a complete documentation of all the edification speeches which Bolzano held up to the end of the academic year 1807/08.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *

Prag im Mai 1945

Prag im Mai 1945 von Kokoška,  Stanislav
This study takes a look at a nearly unknown chapter in the history of the relations between the Czechs and the Germans: the uprising of the underground movement under the leadership of the Czech National Council against the German occupiers on May 5, 1945. The American army was already in Pilsen, and the Russian army was on its way toward Prague. The poorly prepared uprising was meant to consummate the independence and self-liberation of the Czech people, but without the about-face and the intervention of the Wlassow army to help the insurgents, the uprising would surely have been squelched. On the evening of May 8 the German troops left Prague and the vicinities, and two days later the Russian army marched into Prague.Stanislav Kokoška’s study gives a precise description of the uprising against the dramatic background of the events of that time, and puts it in a frame of reference of both the German and Allied political and military strategy.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *

Michel Stüelers Gedenkbuch (1629–1649)

Michel Stüelers Gedenkbuch (1629–1649) von Kilian,  Jan, Medick,  Hans, und Gesellschaft,  Arbeitskreis Militär
Diese Edition eines einzigartigen Tagebuchs aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg ermöglicht Einsichten in den Alltag der städtischen Schichten in dieser Zeit.Der Gerber Michel Stüeler aus Graupen/Krupka in Böhmen führte die meiste Zeit seines Lebens ein Tagebuch, erhalten ist der Teil aus den Jahren 1629–1649. Im Unterschied zu anderen damaligen Schreibern ließ er die Privatsphäre nicht außen vor, sodass sein Werk auch Dinge schildert, die wir heute als kompromittierend betrachten würden: etwa den Alkoholismus des Autors, Sexualität, Aggresivität, den latenten Nichtkatholizismus. Stüeler hielt nicht nur Dinge fest, die seine Person und Familie betrafen, sondern auch denkwürdige Ereignisse in seiner Umgebung, etwa Angaben zu Tod und Hochzeit führender Bürger und seiner Bekannten, zur Geburt ihrer Kinder, wirtschaftliche Informationen (Preise landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse, klimatische Bedingungen, Ernten, Zinnbergbau), Angaben zu feindlichen Einfällen und Aufenthalten der Kaiserlichen, Anmerkungen zur amtlich-administrativen Tätigkeit in der Stadt, Kommentare zur örtlichen und zur benachbarten Obrigkeit und natürlich auch Informationen zur Kriminalität und zu den zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen allgemein. This edition of a unique chronicle from the Thirty Years War offers insights into the everyday life of the urban classes during this period.The Bohemian tanner Michael Stueler from Krupka in Bohemia kept a journal for most of his life, and the section from the years 1629–1649 has been preserved. Unlike other writers of his time, he did not leave out details of his private life, so that his work also describes aspects that we would today regard as compromising: the author’s alcoholism, sexuality and aggressiveness, and his latent non-catholicism. Stüeler not only recorded matters concerning himself and his family, but also noteworthy events in his environment such as the deaths and weddings of leading citizens and his acquaintances, the births of their children, economic information (the prices of agricultural produce, climate conditions, harvests, tin mining), details of enemy incursions and imperial visits, remarks on municipal administrative activities, comments on the local and neighbouring rulers, and of course also information on crime and interpersonal relations in general.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *

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