The Evolution of International Accounting Systems

The Evolution of International Accounting Systems von Währisch,  Mark
Until now we have different accounting or financial reporting systems in different countries. This may be detrimental for capital market participants with worldwide activities who expect advantages in the application of only one system. The use of one system may provide network effects. If they exist, the benefits for users increase the more users adopt the same system. When accounting systems compete in terms of network effects, the decisions for using a system are interdependent and can be modeled by means of game theory. This book analyses how network effects in terms of accounting systems can be defined, how those effects may affect investors, corporations and standard setters, how adoption patterns of accounting systems may be modeled and what drives adoption decisions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-11
> findR *

Critical Social Psychology

Critical Social Psychology von Wexler,  Philip
Academic practitioners of social psychology have traditionally adopted a liberal position against the extremes of capitalist and socialist ideology. But recently this middle position has become extremely precarious, and the fundamental crisis in social psychology can no longer be ignored. The purpose of this book is to repair the severed connection between social psychology, the culture of everyday life and the structure of society, along the lines of the Frankfurt School's critique of knowledge. Philip Wexler places both conventional social psychology and the emergence of an alternative in their historical context, revealing the ideological character of conventional social psychology and emphasizing the social basis of an alternative. He describes the foundations of this alternative, critical psychology, by analysis of theory and research on questions of self, social interaction and intimate or personal relations. This analysis proceeds through an historical and conceptual critique of concepts and paradigms, toward their social-cultural basis, and then back again to an alternative paradigm. In presenting a coherent theoretical social psychology, and by introducing Marxist categories such as commodity fetishism, exploitation and alienation, the author enables social psychologists to overcome their cultural isolation.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-19
> findR *

Outlines of a Modern Critical Educational Science in Germany

Outlines of a Modern Critical Educational Science in Germany von Krüger,  Heinz Hermann
It is the main purpose of this book to give students and educationalists at university not only in Germany, but also in Anglo-American countries an overview about history, current theoretical debates as well as important fields of research of educational science in Germany. Therefore, the institutional conditions, considerable theoretic paradigms and approaches as well as main focuses of the German educational science will be outlined in the introduction. The contributions to the first main chapter of this book retrace the development of pedagogic thinking since the Age of Enlightenment in connection with the history of modernization of the educational system in Germany, including a discussion of challenges for educational science facing tendencies of Reflexive Modernization of relationships of formation and education. Other contributions give an introduction to the theoretical development of Critical Educational Science, that connects a critically oriented empirical research on education and a historical research on education and socialization focussing social contexts and everyday life to a critical educational theory. Important fields of research within educational science will be outlined in the different parts of the second main chapter, which delineate historical lines of development, basics of methodology, fields of research, outcomes and prospects of qualitative educational research as well as biographical research. Additionally, history, theoretical references and fields of current research on childhood and youth within Germany will be resumed.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-19
> findR *

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