REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, Volume 27 (2011)

REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, Volume 27 (2011) von Fluck,  Winfried, Motyl,  Katharina, Pease,  Donald E., Raetzsch,  Christoph
The collapse of the Twin Towers ten years ago symbolizes the lapse into a permanent state of emergency at the beginning of the 21st century. The ensuing "War on Terror",rdquo, ushered in the suspension of civil liberties in the United States, normalized a disregard for International Law and created serious doubts about the legitimacy of the Western world´s hegemonic order. In the wake of 9/11, various crises have shattered established orders but also offered chances for the emergence of new paradigms. A new awareness of "States of Emergency" and "States of Crisis" reverberates through the social, the political, the cultural and literary realm. Volume 27 of REAL Yearbook brings together interdisciplinary contributions by established and upcoming scholars, using the concepts "state of exception" and "crisis" as new paradigms for the analysis of American society and culture, and covering, among others, the contemporary discourse of crisis, literary and other fictional responses, as well as theoretical discussions of key problems of legitimation and the lives of `precarious others.´
Aktualisiert: 2021-12-04
> findR *


Collapse von Rossbach,  Bernd
Ein streng geheimes Experiment gerät außer Kontrolle. Ein Schwarzes Loch droht die Welt zu verschlingen. Eine bewusstseinserweiternde Droge macht aus normalen Menschen willenlose Zombies, die sich um einen machthungrigen Anführer scharen, der schon bald wie ein wahnsinniger Gott ganz New York beherrscht. Wird es den Wissenschaftlern um Professor Leighland und dem jungen Physiker Shuin Sparks gelingen, die bevorstehende Apokalypse zu verhindern, oder ist das Ende der Menschheit gekommen? Ein fesselnder Science-Thriller - ungewöhnliche Helden, überraschende Wendungen, Spannung pur!
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-01
> findR *


Collapse von Rufer,  Mirjam
Collapse Licht, Decke, Licht, Decke... So sieht ein Korridor aus, wenn man liegend im Krankenhaus transportiert wird. Diese Erfahrung musste auch Emily machen und nervte sich total. Warum war das nötig? Es ging ihr doch gut. Oder? Okay, die Schmerzen waren kaum erträglich und das grauenhafte Bild hat sie nicht mehr losgelassen. Wie konnte ihre Welt so ins Wanken geraten? Während sich Emily solcher Sinnhaftigkeit widmete, bereitete sich Melanie für eine Verabredung mit jemandem ganz besonderem vor. Schon lange hatte ihr Bauch nicht mehr so gekribbelt. Sichtlich nervös, konnte sie ihre Schminksachen kaum halten. Durchatmen und weitermachen.
Aktualisiert: 2022-05-04
> findR *

Art + Language

Art + Language
Art & Language is the name of a group of English artists who choose to work collectively, and the title of a magazine that they founded in 1968. Proposing a critical analysis of the relations between art, society, and politics, Art & Language marks, even in its name, the importance of the "textual turning point" in the 1960s. * * Since 1976, Art & Language's project has continued, through Mel Ramsden and Michael Baldwin, with the literary and theoretical collaboration of Charles Harrison. Working with very varied mediums, from painting to rock, these co-founders of Conceptual art remain, even today, attached to observing the consequences of what they themselves call the "depressing collapse of modernism." * * This publication is built around an important installation "Homes from Homes 2" (2000–2001), which simultaneously references the development of Art & Languages's work over the decades and the collection of the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst in Zurich, in which it is now included. Each element of the installation is described, annotated, and put in the context of aesthetic, theoretical, and political problematics through extended captions and essays by the artists. * * Questioning the notions of conservation, of institutional politics, and the relation between art and its institutions, the publication is designed by NORM in close collaboration with the artists. * * Published with the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich. * * Awarded in the competition "The most beautiful Swiss books 2006."
Aktualisiert: 2022-08-05
> findR *

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