Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in the 20th Century von Brasca,  Daria, Brunner,  Helen, Coccolo,  Francesca, Colusso,  Margherita, Dulibic,  Ljerka, Ferencak,  Ivan, Franchi,  Elena, Fuhrmeister,  Christian, Greco,  Simona, Hüls-Valenti,  Katharina, Kiel,  Susanne, Leitner-Ruhe,  Karin, Levi,  Donata, Murovec,  Barbara Kristina, Pasini Tržec,  Iva, Pellegrini,  Emanuele, Premk,  Janez, Ristic,  Dejan, Schallmeiner,  Anneliese, Šmid,  Karin, Tischner,  Maria, Toscano,  Valeria, Uhlík,  Jan, Uhlíková,  Kristina, Visentin,  Martina, Zlatanova,  Albena

Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in the 20th Century

Transfer, displacement, confiscation, seizure, looting and theft of cultural objects characterize historical and current conflicts of ownership – also in the Alpe Adria region. In an unprecedented transnational, collaborative and transdisciplinary way, the motion of objects across space and time – and their role as symbolic capital – was investigated in a project funded by the EU in the HERA program. Comprehensive studies analyze competing (national) claims, occupation regimes, the mechanics of dispossession and the politics of “safeguarding” objects. Acknowleding diverse views, including the narratives that attribute(d) meaning to gains and losses of cultural assets, the volume presents key examples of coming to terms with the past. Contributions from Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, and Slovenia are combined with explorations of the broader context of translocations e.g. in the Czech Republic, providing a more nuanced understanding of unresolved issues of patrimony.

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Die Publikation Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in the 20th Century von , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ist bei Böhlau Köln erschienen. Die Publikation ist mit folgenden Schlagwörtern verschlagwortet: "Safeguarding" cultural objects, Displacements of cultural assets, Historical and current conflicts in the Alpe-Adria-Region, Loss of cultural objects, Translocation of objects in armed conflicts. Weitere Bücher, Themenseiten, Autoren und Verlage finden Sie hier: . Auf Buch FindR finden Sie eine umfassendsten Bücher und Publikationlisten im Internet. Sie können die Bücher und Publikationen direkt bestellen. Ferner bieten wir ein umfassendes Verzeichnis aller Verlagsanschriften inkl. Email und Telefonnummer und Adressen. Die Publikation kostet in Deutschland 59 EUR und in Österreich 61 EUR Für Informationen zum Angebot von Buch FindR nehmen Sie gerne mit uns Kontakt auf!