A Colour Atlas of Surgery for Undescended Testes von Spitz,  Lewis

A Colour Atlas of Surgery for Undescended Testes

Frontmatter — Contents — Acknowledgements — Introduction — Diagrammatic representation — Preparation — Application of antiseptic and drapes — Incision — Scarpa’s fascia incised and divided — Opening the inguinal canal — Mobilising spermatic cord and coverings — Closure of the incomplete hernial sac — Identification of the complete hernial sac — Spermatic cord returned to correct orientation — Hernial sac divided — Hernial sac transfixed and ligated — Fashioning of the dartos pouch — Reposition of the testis in the scrotum — Closure of scrotal incision — Closure of inguinal incision — Postoperative care — Further reading — Index

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