A Passion for Plants

A Passion for Plants von Anagnostou,  Sabine, Egmond,  Florike, Friedrich,  Christoph
The essays written by named scientists from all over Europe and brought together in the volume A passion for plants investigate the creation and transmission of botanical and pharmacobotanical knowledge in the early modern period (16th to 18 century). This process was multifaceted and complex in terms of the types of knowledge, the participation of persons from diverse social backgrounds, and the practices involved. A particular focus of attention is on the role of apothecaries and the connections between academic and non-academic investigations. From the content: apothecaries as botanists in the early modern period, science in pharmacy, botanical activities of pharmacists in the 18th century, Georg Joseph Kamel - botanist and apothecary in the Philippines, Jacob Ligtvoegt - gardener in Leiden, didactics in a botanic garden, Juan de Cárdenas and his book of secrets, materia medica and the Ashmolean Museum, the Gart der Gesundheit - origin and influences.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *

A Passion for Plants

A Passion for Plants von Anagnostou,  Sabine, Egmond,  Florike, Friedrich,  Christoph
The essays written by named scientists from all over Europe and brought together in the volume A passion for plants investigate the creation and transmission of botanical and pharmacobotanical knowledge in the early modern period (16th to 18 century). This process was multifaceted and complex in terms of the types of knowledge, the participation of persons from diverse social backgrounds, and the practices involved. A particular focus of attention is on the role of apothecaries and the connections between academic and non-academic investigations. From the content: apothecaries as botanists in the early modern period, science in pharmacy, botanical activities of pharmacists in the 18th century, Georg Joseph Kamel - botanist and apothecary in the Philippines, Jacob Ligtvoegt - gardener in Leiden, didactics in a botanic garden, Juan de Cárdenas and his book of secrets, materia medica and the Ashmolean Museum, the Gart der Gesundheit - origin and influences.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
> findR *

Inklusive Regionen

Inklusive Regionen von Einsiedler,  Marion, Heimlich,  Ulrich, Mueller,  Ursula, Pfeil,  Patricia, Roland,  Regina, Wittko,  Michael
Ausgehend von der Betrachtung amtlicher Schuldaten untersuchen die Autor*innen neben der Sicht schulischer und außerschulischer Akteur*innen auf die regionale Vernetzung auch die inklusive Qualität der Grund- und Mittelschulen anhand der Qualitätsskala zur inklusiven Schulentwicklung (QU!S®). Die Analyse mündet in Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung inklusiver Regionen und zeigt Synergien, aber auch Stolperstellen auf, die aus der Kooperation im Sozialraum entstehen können.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-17
> findR *

Inklusive Regionen

Inklusive Regionen von Einsiedler,  Marion, Heimlich,  Ulrich, Mueller,  Ursula, Pfeil,  Patricia, Roland,  Regina, Wittko,  Michael
Ausgehend von der Betrachtung amtlicher Schuldaten untersuchen die Autor*innen neben der Sicht schulischer und außerschulischer Akteur*innen auf die regionale Vernetzung auch die inklusive Qualität der Grund- und Mittelschulen anhand der Qualitätsskala zur inklusiven Schulentwicklung (QU!S®). Die Analyse mündet in Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung inklusiver Regionen und zeigt Synergien, aber auch Stolperstellen auf, die aus der Kooperation im Sozialraum entstehen können.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-17
> findR *

A Passion for Plants

A Passion for Plants von Anagnostou,  Sabine, Egmond,  Florike, Friedrich,  Christoph
The essays written by named scientists from all over Europe and brought together in the volume A passion for plants investigate the creation and transmission of botanical and pharmacobotanical knowledge in the early modern period (16th to 18 century). This process was multifaceted and complex in terms of the types of knowledge, the participation of persons from diverse social backgrounds, and the practices involved. A particular focus of attention is on the role of apothecaries and the connections between academic and non-academic investigations. From the content: apothecaries as botanists in the early modern period, science in pharmacy, botanical activities of pharmacists in the 18th century, Georg Joseph Kamel - botanist and apothecary in the Philippines, Jacob Ligtvoegt - gardener in Leiden, didactics in a botanic garden, Juan de Cárdenas and his book of secrets, materia medica and the Ashmolean Museum, the Gart der Gesundheit - origin and influences.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-17
> findR *

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