3D Micro- and Nanometrology – Requirements and Current Developments

3D Micro- and Nanometrology – Requirements and Current Developments von Danzebrink,  Hans. U., Härtig,  Frank
257th PTB Seminar: “3D Micro- and Nanometrology - Requirements and Current Developments” Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 27 to 28 September 2010 Dimensional metrology for micro- and even nanometer-sized objects is becoming increasingly important in relevant industry branches. To achieve the required small uncertainties and probing flexibility, new coordinate measuring systems have been developed which follow mainly two directions: on the one hand, scaling down macro coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) and their related measuring methods, and on the other hand, scaling up nano microscopes (like scanning probe microscopes, SPMs) and applying 3D measuring methods and CMM measuring strategies. This seminar covered recent developments in micro- and nanometrology. In two days, the topics instruments and probes, standardisation activities in micro/nano coordinate metrology, calibration of suitable standards and reference artefacts and the determination of measurement uncertainties were presented in 20 talks. As the seminar was co-financed by the European research project “Universal and Flexible 3D Coordinate Metrology for Micro and Nano Components Production” (acronym: “NanoCMM”), some of the lectures provided an overview of the results obtained within this EU project. Furthermore, a survey of the international status of micro/nano CMMs and micro/nano metrology beyond Europe was given by well-known experts from America and Asia. The seminar was attended by 85 registered participants from 14 different countries (Austria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Taiwan, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, USA). In addition to the oral presentations, two different PTB laboratory tours were offered during which insights into related parts of PTB’s Precision Engineering division were given. The presentations of the seminar will be made available as a PTB report (Proceedings- CD) and will be sent to registered participants. We would like to thank our colleagues for their help - especially Christina Müller and Isabel Steinbrenner - and PTB for providing the infrastructure. Thanks also to the speakers as well as to the audience for the discussions in the course of the seminar and during the breaks. With best regards, Hans U. Danzebrink and Frank Härtig Presentations Picture of participants Seminar flyer
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-22
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