Die Rolle der nordfriesischen Inseln im frühmittelalterlichen Kommunikationsnetzwerk

Die Rolle der nordfriesischen Inseln im frühmittelalterlichen Kommunikationsnetzwerk von Majchczack ,  Bente Sven
As late as the beginning of this century, the question discussed in this publication – the role of the North Frisian islands within Early Medieval trading networks – could not have been answered in any detail. When a hoard of 87 denarii and sceattas, deposited together with a few shards of Frankish glasses, fragments of basaltic lava from Mayen and sherds of wheelthrown Ribe ware, was discovered in the area of Goting cliff in 1976, it indicated that trading vessels must have repeatedly visited the islands of Amrum, Föhr and Sylt between the 8th and 11th centuries. However, the social importance of trade and its organisation remained subject to speculation. It is only the systematic analysis of aerial survey data, initiated in 2006, which in combination with large-scale geophysical work led to the discovery of several well-preserved settlements. These were first investigated in the course of rescue excavations and later in much more detail as part of the “North Sea Harbours” project, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. This yielded an exceptionally diverse and high-quality set of fi nds and features, thus providing the perfect opportunity for re-writing the Early Medieval settlement and economic history of the North Frisian islands. This task has been tackled by Bente Sven Majchczack, who not only directed several of the excavations, but also grew up on the island of Föhr. The results of his investigations were accepted as a doctoral dissertation at the University of Rostock and are presented in this volume.
Aktualisiert: 2021-01-14
> findR *

Anatolian Metal VIII

Anatolian Metal VIII von Yalçın,  Ünsal
The present volume is the last in the series “Anatolian Metal”, which combined the contributions of the eponymous series of workshops held at the Bergbau-Museum Bochum [German Mining Museum Bochum] since 1998. The eighth and final volume addresses current questions surrounding early stratified societies and their networks in Anatolia and the Near East. The introductory articles are dedicated to Halet Çambel, who was not only a pioneer of Turkish archaeology, but was also among the world’s leading prehistoric archaeologists and would have celebrated her 100th birthday in June 2016. The following contributions investigate stratified societies from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age from the perspective of settlement archaeology. In addition, starting from the well-known cemeteries at Alacahöyük and Ur, the authors also consider Early Bronze Age burial rites and grave inventories. The investigation of trade networks within Anatolia and in the neighbouring regions of the Aegean in the 3rd and 2nd millennia B.C. takes up the bulk of the volume. Geography and topography are treated alongside prestige goods, pottery and small finds from the economic sphere, such as weights. The closing contributions are concerned with processes of segregation in settlements, the pictorial representation of elites and iconographic elements in Bronze Age graves in Europe.
Aktualisiert: 2018-09-13
> findR *

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