Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Österreichische Geschichtsquellen / Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918 – 1938

Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Österreichische Geschichtsquellen / Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918 – 1938 von Rauscher,  Walter, Suppan,  Arnold
The comparatively short period between the end of September 1937 and the beginning of March 1938 belongs to the most tragic periods of Austrian history in the 20th century: it covers the road to the extinction of the Austrian state. So the twelfth volume of the ADÖ series deals with the foreign policy of the Ballhausplatz in a time of growing Nazi influence within the Austrian institutions and public life and the lost support of fascist Italy for its small neighbor which finally led to its annexation. Österreich zwischen Isolation und Anschluss documents also the conference of the states of the Roman Protocols in Budapest and the international reactions to these Italian-Austrian-Hungarian talks. Another extremely important focus lies on the Berchtesgaden meeting between Hitler and Schuschnigg, which can be regarded as the centerpiece of the book. The volume closes with the consequences of the meeting at Obersalzberg, the changes in the Viennese cabinet, the ongoing NS-infiltration in Austria, the government’s plan of a referendum and the fait accompli of the Third Reich. The published material also shows the absence of determined positions of the western powers and the national and international management of the German-Austrian crisis in 1938. The printed sources underline with references to the domestic policy situation that decisions continue to be made by just a small circle at the center of power. The final volume of the ADÖ series offers a broader view on the background of political considerations during Austria’s last attempts to secure its independence.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *

Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Österreichische Geschichtsquellen / Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918 – 1938

Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Österreichische Geschichtsquellen / Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918 – 1938 von Rauscher,  Walter, Suppan,  Arnold
The comparatively short period between the end of September 1937 and the beginning of March 1938 belongs to the most tragic periods of Austrian history in the 20th century: it covers the road to the extinction of the Austrian state. So the twelfth volume of the ADÖ series deals with the foreign policy of the Ballhausplatz in a time of growing Nazi influence within the Austrian institutions and public life and the lost support of fascist Italy for its small neighbor which finally led to its annexation. Österreich zwischen Isolation und Anschluss documents also the conference of the states of the Roman Protocols in Budapest and the international reactions to these Italian-Austrian-Hungarian talks. Another extremely important focus lies on the Berchtesgaden meeting between Hitler and Schuschnigg, which can be regarded as the centerpiece of the book. The volume closes with the consequences of the meeting at Obersalzberg, the changes in the Viennese cabinet, the ongoing NS-infiltration in Austria, the government’s plan of a referendum and the fait accompli of the Third Reich. The published material also shows the absence of determined positions of the western powers and the national and international management of the German-Austrian crisis in 1938. The printed sources underline with references to the domestic policy situation that decisions continue to be made by just a small circle at the center of power. The final volume of the ADÖ series offers a broader view on the background of political considerations during Austria’s last attempts to secure its independence.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *

Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Österreichische Geschichtsquellen / Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918 – 1938

Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Österreichische Geschichtsquellen / Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918 – 1938 von Rauscher,  Walter, Suppan,  Arnold
The comparatively short period between the end of September 1937 and the beginning of March 1938 belongs to the most tragic periods of Austrian history in the 20th century: it covers the road to the extinction of the Austrian state. So the twelfth volume of the ADÖ series deals with the foreign policy of the Ballhausplatz in a time of growing Nazi influence within the Austrian institutions and public life and the lost support of fascist Italy for its small neighbor which finally led to its annexation. Österreich zwischen Isolation und Anschluss documents also the conference of the states of the Roman Protocols in Budapest and the international reactions to these Italian-Austrian-Hungarian talks. Another extremely important focus lies on the Berchtesgaden meeting between Hitler and Schuschnigg, which can be regarded as the centerpiece of the book. The volume closes with the consequences of the meeting at Obersalzberg, the changes in the Viennese cabinet, the ongoing NS-infiltration in Austria, the government’s plan of a referendum and the fait accompli of the Third Reich. The published material also shows the absence of determined positions of the western powers and the national and international management of the German-Austrian crisis in 1938. The printed sources underline with references to the domestic policy situation that decisions continue to be made by just a small circle at the center of power. The final volume of the ADÖ series offers a broader view on the background of political considerations during Austria’s last attempts to secure its independence.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *

Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Österreichische Geschichtsquellen / Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918 – 1938

Fontes rerum Austriacarum. Österreichische Geschichtsquellen / Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918 – 1938 von Rauscher,  Walter, Suppan,  Arnold
The comparatively short period between the end of September 1937 and the beginning of March 1938 belongs to the most tragic periods of Austrian history in the 20th century: it covers the road to the extinction of the Austrian state. So the twelfth volume of the ADÖ series deals with the foreign policy of the Ballhausplatz in a time of growing Nazi influence within the Austrian institutions and public life and the lost support of fascist Italy for its small neighbor which finally led to its annexation. Österreich zwischen Isolation und Anschluss documents also the conference of the states of the Roman Protocols in Budapest and the international reactions to these Italian-Austrian-Hungarian talks. Another extremely important focus lies on the Berchtesgaden meeting between Hitler and Schuschnigg, which can be regarded as the centerpiece of the book. The volume closes with the consequences of the meeting at Obersalzberg, the changes in the Viennese cabinet, the ongoing NS-infiltration in Austria, the government’s plan of a referendum and the fait accompli of the Third Reich. The published material also shows the absence of determined positions of the western powers and the national and international management of the German-Austrian crisis in 1938. The printed sources underline with references to the domestic policy situation that decisions continue to be made by just a small circle at the center of power. The final volume of the ADÖ series offers a broader view on the background of political considerations during Austria’s last attempts to secure its independence.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema 28. September 1937

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