Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean in ancient history and prehistory

Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean in ancient history and prehistory von Kinzl,  Konrad H.
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- From the Aion Plutonios of the Ptolemies to the Saeculum Frugiferum of the Roman Emperors -- Mycenaean Decline – Some Problems and Thoughts -- A Document of Artaxerxes IV? -- Alexander and Ammon -- Alexander and Greek Athletics, in Fact and in Fiction -- Thermopylai Revisited and some Topographical Notes on Marathon and Plataiai -- The Ionian Name -- Bathrooms and Lustral Chambers -- Cleitarchus and Diodorus 17 -- The Meaning and Significance of the Reported Speech of Phrynichus in Thucydides 8,48 -- Minoan Town-Shrines? -- Mycenaeans at Thera: Some Reflections on the Paintings from the West House -- A Cypro-Mycenaean III C: 1 Amphora from Kition -- Athens: Between Tyranny and Democracy -- Tragödien bei Herodot? -- Poets and Politicians in Fifth-Century Greece -- Herodotus in Athens? -- Corinth and Athens before the Peloponnesian War -- List of Illustrations -- Illustrations
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean in ancient history and prehistory

Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean in ancient history and prehistory von Kinzl,  Konrad H.
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- From the Aion Plutonios of the Ptolemies to the Saeculum Frugiferum of the Roman Emperors -- Mycenaean Decline – Some Problems and Thoughts -- A Document of Artaxerxes IV? -- Alexander and Ammon -- Alexander and Greek Athletics, in Fact and in Fiction -- Thermopylai Revisited and some Topographical Notes on Marathon and Plataiai -- The Ionian Name -- Bathrooms and Lustral Chambers -- Cleitarchus and Diodorus 17 -- The Meaning and Significance of the Reported Speech of Phrynichus in Thucydides 8,48 -- Minoan Town-Shrines? -- Mycenaeans at Thera: Some Reflections on the Paintings from the West House -- A Cypro-Mycenaean III C: 1 Amphora from Kition -- Athens: Between Tyranny and Democracy -- Tragödien bei Herodot? -- Poets and Politicians in Fifth-Century Greece -- Herodotus in Athens? -- Corinth and Athens before the Peloponnesian War -- List of Illustrations -- Illustrations
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

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