Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale von Bertsch,  Markus, Brüggemeyer,  Maik, Bunzel,  Wolfgang, Göktepe,  Selvi, Illies,  Florian, Jammers,  Judith, Kirchberger,  Nico, McCormack,  Catherine, Radtke,  Merle, Reinhold,  Bernadette, Schöning,  Jörg, Stamm,  Ruth, Vinken,  Barbara
The femme fatale is a myth; a projection; a construct. It represents a rigid, immutable female stereotype: the seductive, supposedly demonic woman who holds men spellbound. The catalogue to accompany the exhibition FEMME FATALE is dedicated to this scintillating, cliché-ridden and long male-dominated image. View – Power – Gender. It explores not only the artistic manifestations of the topic since 1800, but also embarks on a critical examination of the myth of the femme fatale throughout history, right up to the feminist deconstruction and appropriation of the idea. Artists: Sonia Boyce, Evelyn de Morgan, John Collier, Lovis Corinth, Mary Beth Edelson, Nan Goldin, Birgit Jürgenssen, Fernand Khnopff, Maria Lassnig, Max Liebermann, Jeanne Mammen , Gustave Moreau, Edvard Munch, Odilon Redon , Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Mickalene Thomas, Betty Tompkins, Franz von Stuck, John William Waterhouse, Francesca Woodman
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale von Bertsch,  Markus, Brüggemeyer,  Maik, Bunzel,  Wolfgang, Göktepe,  Selvi, Illies,  Florian, Jammers,  Judith, Kirchberger,  Nico, McCormack,  Catherine, Radtke,  Merle, Reinhold,  Bernadette, Schöning,  Jörg, Stamm,  Ruth, Vinken,  Barbara
The femme fatale is a myth; a projection; a construct. It represents a rigid, immutable female stereotype: the seductive, supposedly demonic woman who holds men spellbound. The catalogue to accompany the exhibition FEMME FATALE is dedicated to this scintillating, cliché-ridden and long male-dominated image. View – Power – Gender. It explores not only the artistic manifestations of the topic since 1800, but also embarks on a critical examination of the myth of the femme fatale throughout history, right up to the feminist deconstruction and appropriation of the idea. Artists: Sonia Boyce, Evelyn de Morgan, John Collier, Lovis Corinth, Mary Beth Edelson, Nan Goldin, Birgit Jürgenssen, Fernand Khnopff, Maria Lassnig, Max Liebermann, Jeanne Mammen , Gustave Moreau, Edvard Munch, Odilon Redon , Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Mickalene Thomas, Betty Tompkins, Franz von Stuck, John William Waterhouse, Francesca Woodman
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale von Bertsch,  Markus, Brüggemeyer,  Maik, Bunzel,  Wolfgang, Göktepe,  Selvi, Illies,  Florian, Jammers,  Judith, Kirchberger,  Nico, McCormack,  Catherine, Radtke,  Merle, Reinhold,  Bernadette, Schöning,  Jörg, Stamm,  Ruth, Vinken,  Barbara
The femme fatale is a myth; a projection; a construct. It represents a rigid, immutable female stereotype: the seductive, supposedly demonic woman who holds men spellbound. The catalogue to accompany the exhibition FEMME FATALE is dedicated to this scintillating, cliché-ridden and long male-dominated image. View – Power – Gender. It explores not only the artistic manifestations of the topic since 1800, but also embarks on a critical examination of the myth of the femme fatale throughout history, right up to the feminist deconstruction and appropriation of the idea. Artists: Sonia Boyce, Evelyn de Morgan, John Collier, Lovis Corinth, Mary Beth Edelson, Nan Goldin, Birgit Jürgenssen, Fernand Khnopff, Maria Lassnig, Max Liebermann, Jeanne Mammen , Gustave Moreau, Edvard Munch, Odilon Redon , Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Mickalene Thomas, Betty Tompkins, Franz von Stuck, John William Waterhouse, Francesca Woodman
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale von Bertsch,  Markus, Brüggemeyer,  Maik, Bunzel,  Wolfgang, Göktepe,  Selvi, Illies,  Florian, Jammers,  Judith, Kirchberger,  Nico, McCormack,  Catherine, Radtke,  Merle, Reinhold,  Bernadette, Schöning,  Jörg, Stamm,  Ruth, Vinken,  Barbara
The femme fatale is a myth; a projection; a construct. It represents a rigid, immutable female stereotype: the seductive, supposedly demonic woman who holds men spellbound. The catalogue to accompany the exhibition FEMME FATALE is dedicated to this scintillating, cliché-ridden and long male-dominated image. View – Power – Gender. It explores not only the artistic manifestations of the topic since 1800, but also embarks on a critical examination of the myth of the femme fatale throughout history, right up to the feminist deconstruction and appropriation of the idea. Artists: Sonia Boyce, Evelyn de Morgan, John Collier, Lovis Corinth, Mary Beth Edelson, Nan Goldin, Birgit Jürgenssen, Fernand Khnopff, Maria Lassnig, Max Liebermann, Jeanne Mammen , Gustave Moreau, Edvard Munch, Odilon Redon , Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Mickalene Thomas, Betty Tompkins, Franz von Stuck, John William Waterhouse, Francesca Woodman
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-17
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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale von Bertsch,  Markus, Brüggemeyer,  Maik, Bunzel,  Wolfgang, Göktepe,  Selvi, Illies,  Florian, Jammers,  Judith, Kirchberger,  Nico, McCormack,  Catherine, Radtke,  Merle, Reinhold,  Bernadette, Schöning,  Jörg, Stamm,  Ruth, Vinken,  Barbara
The femme fatale is a myth; a projection; a construct. It represents a rigid, immutable female stereotype: the seductive, supposedly demonic woman who holds men spellbound. The catalogue to accompany the exhibition FEMME FATALE is dedicated to this scintillating, cliché-ridden and long male-dominated image. View – Power – Gender. It explores not only the artistic manifestations of the topic since 1800, but also embarks on a critical examination of the myth of the femme fatale throughout history, right up to the feminist deconstruction and appropriation of the idea. Artists: Sonia Boyce, Evelyn de Morgan, John Collier, Lovis Corinth, Mary Beth Edelson, Nan Goldin, Birgit Jürgenssen, Fernand Khnopff, Maria Lassnig, Max Liebermann, Jeanne Mammen , Gustave Moreau, Edvard Munch, Odilon Redon , Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Mickalene Thomas, Betty Tompkins, Franz von Stuck, John William Waterhouse, Francesca Woodman
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-16
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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale von Bertsch,  Markus, Brüggemeyer,  Maik, Bunzel,  Wolfgang, Göktepe,  Selvi, Illies,  Florian, Jammers,  Judith, Kirchberger,  Nico, McCormack,  Catherine, Radtke,  Merle, Reinhold,  Bernadette, Schöning,  Jörg, Stamm,  Ruth, Vinken,  Barbara
The femme fatale is a myth; a projection; a construct. It represents a rigid, immutable female stereotype: the seductive, supposedly demonic woman who holds men spellbound. The catalogue to accompany the exhibition FEMME FATALE is dedicated to this scintillating, cliché-ridden and long male-dominated image. View – Power – Gender. It explores not only the artistic manifestations of the topic since 1800, but also embarks on a critical examination of the myth of the femme fatale throughout history, right up to the feminist deconstruction and appropriation of the idea. Artists: Sonia Boyce, Evelyn de Morgan, John Collier, Lovis Corinth, Mary Beth Edelson, Nan Goldin, Birgit Jürgenssen, Fernand Khnopff, Maria Lassnig, Max Liebermann, Jeanne Mammen , Gustave Moreau, Edvard Munch, Odilon Redon , Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Mickalene Thomas, Betty Tompkins, Franz von Stuck, John William Waterhouse, Francesca Woodman
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-24
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