Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control von Dimitrov,  Theodore D.
Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- Part I. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS -- Chapter 1: Nature, structure and activities of international governmental organizations -- Chapter 2: Basic documents of IGO's -- Chapter 3: Secretaries-General -- Chapter 4: Policies and research on international documentation -- Part II. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS -- Chapter 1: General methodology -- Chapter 2: Building international documents collections -- Chapter 3: Cataloguing principles and rules -- Chapter 4: Indexing, subject analysis, thesauri, classification systems -- Chapter 5: Library and information science dictionaries -- Chapter 6: Current catalogues and indexes of international documentation
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes von Dimitrov,  Theodore D.
Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTORY NOTE -- Part I. Multilateral Diplomacy and International Relations -- Chapter 1: World politics -- Chapter 2: Nuclear weapons, international control, disarmament -- Chapter 3: Peace, peace-keeping operations, pacific settlement of international disputes -- Part II. International Periodicals -- Chapter 1: Intergovernmental periodicals - union list -- Chapter 2: Political journals and annuals reviewing international problems -- Part III. Annexes -- Annex I: Major intergovernmental conferences -- Annex II: International years, anniversaries, decades and days, and weeks -- Addendum -- Index of names of authors -- Index of organisations and corporate bodies -- Subject index
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control von Dimitrov,  Theodore D.
Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- Part I. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS -- Chapter 1: Nature, structure and activities of international governmental organizations -- Chapter 2: Basic documents of IGO's -- Chapter 3: Secretaries-General -- Chapter 4: Policies and research on international documentation -- Part II. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS -- Chapter 1: General methodology -- Chapter 2: Building international documents collections -- Chapter 3: Cataloguing principles and rules -- Chapter 4: Indexing, subject analysis, thesauri, classification systems -- Chapter 5: Library and information science dictionaries -- Chapter 6: Current catalogues and indexes of international documentation
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes von Dimitrov,  Theodore D.
Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTORY NOTE -- Part I. Multilateral Diplomacy and International Relations -- Chapter 1: World politics -- Chapter 2: Nuclear weapons, international control, disarmament -- Chapter 3: Peace, peace-keeping operations, pacific settlement of international disputes -- Part II. International Periodicals -- Chapter 1: Intergovernmental periodicals - union list -- Chapter 2: Political journals and annuals reviewing international problems -- Part III. Annexes -- Annex I: Major intergovernmental conferences -- Annex II: International years, anniversaries, decades and days, and weeks -- Addendum -- Index of names of authors -- Index of organisations and corporate bodies -- Subject index
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes von Dimitrov,  Theodore D.
Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTORY NOTE -- Part I. Multilateral Diplomacy and International Relations -- Chapter 1: World politics -- Chapter 2: Nuclear weapons, international control, disarmament -- Chapter 3: Peace, peace-keeping operations, pacific settlement of international disputes -- Part II. International Periodicals -- Chapter 1: Intergovernmental periodicals - union list -- Chapter 2: Political journals and annuals reviewing international problems -- Part III. Annexes -- Annex I: Major intergovernmental conferences -- Annex II: International years, anniversaries, decades and days, and weeks -- Addendum -- Index of names of authors -- Index of organisations and corporate bodies -- Subject index
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control von Dimitrov,  Theodore D.
Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- Part I. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS -- Chapter 1: Nature, structure and activities of international governmental organizations -- Chapter 2: Basic documents of IGO's -- Chapter 3: Secretaries-General -- Chapter 4: Policies and research on international documentation -- Part II. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS -- Chapter 1: General methodology -- Chapter 2: Building international documents collections -- Chapter 3: Cataloguing principles and rules -- Chapter 4: Indexing, subject analysis, thesauri, classification systems -- Chapter 5: Library and information science dictionaries -- Chapter 6: Current catalogues and indexes of international documentation
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes von Dimitrov,  Theodore D.
Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTORY NOTE -- Part I. Multilateral Diplomacy and International Relations -- Chapter 1: World politics -- Chapter 2: Nuclear weapons, international control, disarmament -- Chapter 3: Peace, peace-keeping operations, pacific settlement of international disputes -- Part II. International Periodicals -- Chapter 1: Intergovernmental periodicals - union list -- Chapter 2: Political journals and annuals reviewing international problems -- Part III. Annexes -- Annex I: Major intergovernmental conferences -- Annex II: International years, anniversaries, decades and days, and weeks -- Addendum -- Index of names of authors -- Index of organisations and corporate bodies -- Subject index
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control

Theodore, D. Dimitrov: World bibliography of international documentation / International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control von Dimitrov,  Theodore D.
Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- Part I. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS -- Chapter 1: Nature, structure and activities of international governmental organizations -- Chapter 2: Basic documents of IGO's -- Chapter 3: Secretaries-General -- Chapter 4: Policies and research on international documentation -- Part II. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS -- Chapter 1: General methodology -- Chapter 2: Building international documents collections -- Chapter 3: Cataloguing principles and rules -- Chapter 4: Indexing, subject analysis, thesauri, classification systems -- Chapter 5: Library and information science dictionaries -- Chapter 6: Current catalogues and indexes of international documentation
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

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