Kent Nagano Portrait – Neue Wege, Neue Klänge

Kent Nagano Portrait – Neue Wege, Neue Klänge von Nagano,  Kent
Introducing one of the world’s most successful conductors: Kent Nagano’s meteoric rise to fame took him via Lyon, Manchester and Los Angeles to Berlin, where for six years he directed the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester. In autumn 2006 Nagano took up two new posts: as chief conductor of the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal and General Music Director of the Bayerische Staatsoper. The film shows Kent Nagano in rehearsal with the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin and the Bayerisches Staatsorchester and follows him to California, Paris and Munich. Interviews with Plácido Domingo, Gérard Mortier, Lang Lang, Achim Freyer and others provide a fascinating insight into this outstanding conductor’s personality and the various stages in his career.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-23
> findR *

Monumente der Klassik Vol. VI

Monumente der Klassik Vol. VI von Nagano,  Kent, Strauss,  Richard
At the heart of each film is a technically and visually sophisticated concert recording. All footage was shot in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin. A new view of the orchestra is achieved through extreme close-up shots of the musicians, remote-controlled cameras on the platform, crane and dolly shots and unconventional montage sequences. In interview sequences Kent Nagano explains what he finds particularly important about each specific work and its interpretation. The maestro also provides the viewer with interesting supplementary information on the genesis and context of the work. Another integral part of each programme is the footage of rehearsals. This shows that the musicians are ordinary people who are dedicated to their vocation. In interviews the players talk about their work, their music and their orchestra. Finally, the animated sequences take the viewer on a fascinating journey into the world of each composer. The scenes portray events and encounters in their lives that had an important bearing on them personally and on their works. Another special feature is the fact that all the dialogues are based on original quotations from the composers and their contemporaries.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-02
> findR *

Monumente der Klassik Vol. II

Monumente der Klassik Vol. II von Beethoven,  Ludwig van, Nagano,  Kent
At the heart of each film is a technically and visually sophisticated concert recording. All footage was shot in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin. A new view of the orchestra is achieved through extreme close-up shots of the musicians, remote-controlled cameras on the platform, crane and dolly shots and unconventional montage sequences. In interview sequences Kent Nagano explains what he finds particularly important about each specific work and its interpretation. The maestro also provides the viewer with interesting supplementary information on the genesis and context of the work. Another integral part of each programme is the footage of rehearsals. This shows that the musicians are ordinary people who are dedicated to their vocation. In interviews the players talk about their work, their music and their orchestra. Finally, the animated sequences take the viewer on a fascinating journey into the world of each composer. The scenes portray events and encounters in their lives that had an important bearing on them personally and on their works. Another special feature is the fact that all the dialogues are based on original quotations from the composers and their contemporaries.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-02
> findR *

Monumente der Klassik Vol. IV

Monumente der Klassik Vol. IV von Brahms,  Johannes, Nagano,  Kent
At the heart of each film is a technically and visually sophisticated concert recording. All footage was shot in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin. A new view of the orchestra is achieved through extreme close-up shots of the musicians, remote-controlled cameras on the platform, crane and dolly shots and unconventional montage sequences. In interview sequences Kent Nagano explains what he finds particularly important about each specific work and its interpretation. The maestro also provides the viewer with interesting supplementary information on the genesis and context of the work. Another integral part of each programme is the footage of rehearsals. This shows that the musicians are ordinary people who are dedicated to their vocation. In interviews the players talk about their work, their music and their orchestra. Finally, the animated sequences take the viewer on a fascinating journey into the world of each composer. The scenes portray events and encounters in their lives that had an important bearing on them personally and on their works. Another special feature is the fact that all the dialogues are based on original quotations from the composers and their contemporaries.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-02
> findR *

Monumente der Klassik Vol. I

Monumente der Klassik Vol. I von Mozart,  Wolfgang Amadeus, Nagano,  Kent
At the heart of each film is a technically and visually sophisticated concert recording. All footage was shot in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin. A new view of the orchestra is achieved through extreme close-up shots of the musicians, remote-controlled cameras on the platform, crane and dolly shots and unconventional montage sequences. In interview sequences Kent Nagano explains what he finds particularly important about each specific work and its interpretation. The maestro also provides the viewer with interesting supplementary information on the genesis and context of the work. Another integral part of each programme is the footage of rehearsals. This shows that the musicians are ordinary people who are dedicated to their vocation. In interviews the players talk about their work, their music and their orchestra. Finally, the animated sequences take the viewer on a fascinating journey into the world of each composer. The scenes portray events and encounters in their lives that had an important bearing on them personally and on their works. Another special feature is the fact that all the dialogues are based on original quotations from the composers and their contemporaries.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-02
> findR *

Monumente der Klassik Vol. III

Monumente der Klassik Vol. III von Nagano,  Kent, Schumann,  Robert
At the heart of each film is a technically and visually sophisticated concert recording. All footage was shot in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin. A new view of the orchestra is achieved through extreme close-up shots of the musicians, remote-controlled cameras on the platform, crane and dolly shots and unconventional montage sequences. In interview sequences Kent Nagano explains what he finds particularly important about each specific work and its interpretation. The maestro also provides the viewer with interesting supplementary information on the genesis and context of the work. Another integral part of each programme is the footage of rehearsals. This shows that the musicians are ordinary people who are dedicated to their vocation. In interviews the players talk about their work, their music and their orchestra. Finally, the animated sequences take the viewer on a fascinating journey into the world of each composer. The scenes portray events and encounters in their lives that had an important bearing on them personally and on their works. Another special feature is the fact that all the dialogues are based on original quotations from the composers and their contemporaries.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-02
> findR *

Monumente der Klassik

Monumente der Klassik von Nagano,  Kent
At the heart of each film is a technically and visually sophisticated concert recording. All footage was shot in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin. A new view of the orchestra is achieved through extreme close-up shots of the musicians, remote-controlled cameras on the platform, crane and dolly shots and unconventional montage sequences. In interview sequences Kent Nagano explains what he finds particularly important about each specific work and its interpretation. The maestro also provides the viewer with interesting supplementary information on the genesis and context of the work. Another integral part of each programme is the footage of rehearsals. This shows that the musicians are ordinary people who are dedicated to their vocation. In interviews the players talk about their work, their music and their orchestra. Finally, the animated sequences take the viewer on a fascinating journey into the world of each composer. The scenes portray events and encounters in their lives that had an important bearing on them personally and on their works. Another special feature is the fact that all the dialogues are based on original quotations from the composers and their contemporaries.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-02
> findR *

Monumente der Klassik Vol. V

Monumente der Klassik Vol. V von Bruckner,  Anton, Nagano,  Kent
At the heart of each film is a technically and visually sophisticated concert recording. All footage was shot in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin. A new view of the orchestra is achieved through extreme close-up shots of the musicians, remote-controlled cameras on the platform, crane and dolly shots and unconventional montage sequences. In interview sequences Kent Nagano explains what he finds particularly important about each specific work and its interpretation. The maestro also provides the viewer with interesting supplementary information on the genesis and context of the work. Another integral part of each programme is the footage of rehearsals. This shows that the musicians are ordinary people who are dedicated to their vocation. In interviews the players talk about their work, their music and their orchestra. Finally, the animated sequences take the viewer on a fascinating journey into the world of each composer. The scenes portray events and encounters in their lives that had an important bearing on them personally and on their works. Another special feature is the fact that all the dialogues are based on original quotations from the composers and their contemporaries.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-02
> findR *

Kent Nagano: Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss – Konzertstück für 4 Hörner – Sigfried Idyll – Metamorphosen

Kent Nagano: Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss – Konzertstück für 4 Hörner – Sigfried Idyll – Metamorphosen
Aufgenommen in den Farao Studios, München November 2008 Booklet: (deutsch, englisch) · Werktexte · Biografien Bei der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bayerischen Staatsorchester liegt Kent Nagano vor allem dessen besonderer Charakter am Herzen, der in einer der weltweit längsten Orchester-Traditionen seit nunmehr fast 500 Jahren gewachsen ist. Für ihn liegt hier die notwendige Entsprechung zu seinem Engagement für das Neue in der Musik. Das Orchester ist geprägt durch seinen unverwechselbaren warmen und dunklen Klang der Streicher, geschult an den großen Opern Mozarts und Wagners, kultiviert durch Werk und Wirken von Richard Strauss. Dazu ergibt sich auch in der klanglichen Gestaltung der Horn- und Blechbläser ein immer runder, nie die Brillanz um ihrer selbst willen herausstreichender Grundklang. Als Opernorchester ist das Bayerische Staatsorchester ungemein flexibel und sensibel für die Nuancen und Emotionen einer Partitur, was den Klangkörper in den vergangenen 200 Jahren seiner symphonischen Tätigkeit ebenfalls so außergewöhnlich machte. Es ist besonders auch die bewegliche, initiativreiche Gruppe der Hörner, die nicht nur bei Wagner das Rückgrat und Ferment des Orchesterklangs bildet. Strauss’ Vater, einst Solohornist in München, steht als geschichtliches Sinnbild für sie. In Schumanns Konzertstück findet die Horngruppe des Staatsorchesters eine ganz besondere Aufgabe, die sie nicht nur mit Bravour löst. Richard Wagners "Siegried Idyll" präsentiert einen wichtigen Teil der Tradition des Orchesters. Selten hat man das Werk so zu seinen Ursprüngen zurückgeführt gehört und seine tiefe innere Ruhe gespürt wie in der neuen Einspielung mit Kent Nagano und dem Bayerischen Staatsorchester. Strauss’ Spätwerk "Metamorphosen" für 23 Solostreicher bezeichnet das Ende einer musikalischen Ära. Das Stück steht für Rückbesinnung und Endzeit – und markiert doch wiederum den Aufbruch in ein neues Zeitalter. Das Programm dieser CD skizziert daher auf eine eigene und leise Art auch ein Porträt des Bayerischen Staatsorchesters und seines Generalmusikdirektors.
Aktualisiert: 2018-02-02
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Kent Nagano

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