Kaiser und Reich

Kaiser und Reich von Schnettger,  Matthias
This book recounts the constitutional history of the Holy Roman Empire from the late 15th century up to the end of the Empire in 1806, using a dual approach. Following a chronological overview of the development of the imperial constitution, in-depth systematic chapters are devoted to the Empire=s institutions and protagonists and the ways in which it functioned. The negotiation of power between the emperor and the imperial Estates at the imperial diets is discussed, along with ceremonials and the importance of the ?local empire= for imperial subjects. Separate sections are devoted to the peripheries of the empire, imperial public relations, and historiography. Matthias Schnettger combines classical constitutional history with the findings of recent research in social and cultural history. In this way, he succeeds in vividly presenting both the institutions and standards and also the changing constitutional realities of the Empire in a concise and highly readable introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Kaiser und Reich

Kaiser und Reich von Schnettger,  Matthias
This book recounts the constitutional history of the Holy Roman Empire from the late 15th century up to the end of the Empire in 1806, using a dual approach. Following a chronological overview of the development of the imperial constitution, in-depth systematic chapters are devoted to the Empire=s institutions and protagonists and the ways in which it functioned. The negotiation of power between the emperor and the imperial Estates at the imperial diets is discussed, along with ceremonials and the importance of the ?local empire= for imperial subjects. Separate sections are devoted to the peripheries of the empire, imperial public relations, and historiography. Matthias Schnettger combines classical constitutional history with the findings of recent research in social and cultural history. In this way, he succeeds in vividly presenting both the institutions and standards and also the changing constitutional realities of the Empire in a concise and highly readable introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Kaiser und Reich

Kaiser und Reich von Schnettger,  Matthias
This book recounts the constitutional history of the Holy Roman Empire from the late 15th century up to the end of the Empire in 1806, using a dual approach. Following a chronological overview of the development of the imperial constitution, in-depth systematic chapters are devoted to the Empire=s institutions and protagonists and the ways in which it functioned. The negotiation of power between the emperor and the imperial Estates at the imperial diets is discussed, along with ceremonials and the importance of the ?local empire= for imperial subjects. Separate sections are devoted to the peripheries of the empire, imperial public relations, and historiography. Matthias Schnettger combines classical constitutional history with the findings of recent research in social and cultural history. In this way, he succeeds in vividly presenting both the institutions and standards and also the changing constitutional realities of the Empire in a concise and highly readable introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Kaiser und Reich

Kaiser und Reich von Schnettger,  Matthias
This book recounts the constitutional history of the Holy Roman Empire from the late 15th century up to the end of the Empire in 1806, using a dual approach. Following a chronological overview of the development of the imperial constitution, in-depth systematic chapters are devoted to the Empire=s institutions and protagonists and the ways in which it functioned. The negotiation of power between the emperor and the imperial Estates at the imperial diets is discussed, along with ceremonials and the importance of the ?local empire= for imperial subjects. Separate sections are devoted to the peripheries of the empire, imperial public relations, and historiography. Matthias Schnettger combines classical constitutional history with the findings of recent research in social and cultural history. In this way, he succeeds in vividly presenting both the institutions and standards and also the changing constitutional realities of the Empire in a concise and highly readable introduction.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
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Napoleon III.

Napoleon III. von Deinet,  Klaus
Napoleon III determined the fate of France and all of Europe during the second half of the nineteenth century. His personality reflects the contradictions and conflicts, fresh departures and upheavals of an entire epoch. Napoleon III was a putschist, the backward-looking founder of a dynasty and executor of the last testament of his uncle, Napoleon Bonaparte. He cherished ambitious sociopolitical plans that were far ahead of his time, paving the way for processes of democratization and parliamentarization, but he failed in his foreign policy and also militarily against his German opponent, Bismarck. This volume describes the complex and sometimes dazzling figure of the last French Emperor and provides a historical outline of nineteenth-century France of the nineteenth century, which was politically, economically and culturally one of the leading European powers, on the threshold of today=s modern age.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Napoleon III.

Napoleon III. von Deinet,  Klaus
Napoleon III determined the fate of France and all of Europe during the second half of the nineteenth century. His personality reflects the contradictions and conflicts, fresh departures and upheavals of an entire epoch. Napoleon III was a putschist, the backward-looking founder of a dynasty and executor of the last testament of his uncle, Napoleon Bonaparte. He cherished ambitious sociopolitical plans that were far ahead of his time, paving the way for processes of democratization and parliamentarization, but he failed in his foreign policy and also militarily against his German opponent, Bismarck. This volume describes the complex and sometimes dazzling figure of the last French Emperor and provides a historical outline of nineteenth-century France of the nineteenth century, which was politically, economically and culturally one of the leading European powers, on the threshold of today=s modern age.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Napoleon III.

Napoleon III. von Deinet,  Klaus
Napoleon III determined the fate of France and all of Europe during the second half of the nineteenth century. His personality reflects the contradictions and conflicts, fresh departures and upheavals of an entire epoch. Napoleon III was a putschist, the backward-looking founder of a dynasty and executor of the last testament of his uncle, Napoleon Bonaparte. He cherished ambitious sociopolitical plans that were far ahead of his time, paving the way for processes of democratization and parliamentarization, but he failed in his foreign policy and also militarily against his German opponent, Bismarck. This volume describes the complex and sometimes dazzling figure of the last French Emperor and provides a historical outline of nineteenth-century France of the nineteenth century, which was politically, economically and culturally one of the leading European powers, on the threshold of today=s modern age.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
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Napoleon III.

Napoleon III. von Deinet,  Klaus
Napoleon III determined the fate of France and all of Europe during the second half of the nineteenth century. His personality reflects the contradictions and conflicts, fresh departures and upheavals of an entire epoch. Napoleon III was a putschist, the backward-looking founder of a dynasty and executor of the last testament of his uncle, Napoleon Bonaparte. He cherished ambitious sociopolitical plans that were far ahead of his time, paving the way for processes of democratization and parliamentarization, but he failed in his foreign policy and also militarily against his German opponent, Bismarck. This volume describes the complex and sometimes dazzling figure of the last French Emperor and provides a historical outline of nineteenth-century France of the nineteenth century, which was politically, economically and culturally one of the leading European powers, on the threshold of today=s modern age.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
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Wilhelm II. (1859-1941)

Wilhelm II. (1859-1941) von Halder,  Winfried
Die Bewertung der Person des letzten deutschen Kaisers und preußischen Königs ist höchst kontrovers. Einerseits wird ihm die ausschlaggebende Gestaltung der politischen Richtungsentscheidungen in Deutschland zugeschrieben und ihm damit die besondere Verantwortung für den Weg in den Ersten Weltkrieg zur Last gelegt. Andererseits wird er als ein von den politischen Umständen Getriebener gesehen. Der Autor lotet in dieser Biographie vor dem Hintergrund der neueren Kaiserreichsforschung Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des kaiserlichen Handelns im Rahmen von Reichsverfassung und politisch-gesellschaftlichen Kräftekonstellationen aus. Damit entsteht ein differenziertes Bild Wilhelms II. zwischen den Extrempositionen bisheriger Interpretationen.
Aktualisiert: 2019-09-05
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