Prodigy Knowledge

Prodigy Knowledge von Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics at Newcastle Ltd.
PRODIGY Knowledge is a recognised key resource used within the NHS by GPs, nurses and pharmacists. It is an up-to-date source of clinical knowledge about common conditions generally managed in primary and first contact care, which has been designed to be used by healthcare professionals together with patients. The book provides guidance on approximately 150 topics for both acute and chronic illnesses and is a reliable and useful resource to support both continued professional development and to aid decision-making during a consultation. Key features: Concise information for use in a consultation and more detailed information for use as a learning resource Guidance based on the best available evidence and developed in line with national policies and guidelines Management options including advice on prescribing Fully referenced.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *

Prodigy Knowledge

Prodigy Knowledge von Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics at Newcastle Ltd.
PRODIGY Knowledge is a recognised key resource used within the NHS by GPs, nurses and pharmacists. It is an up-to-date source of clinical knowledge about common conditions generally managed in primary and first contact care, which has been designed to be used by healthcare professionals together with patients. The book provides guidance on approximately 150 topics for both acute and chronic illnesses and is a reliable and useful resource to support both continued professional development and to aid decision-making during a consultation. Key features: Concise information for use in a consultation and more detailed information for use as a learning resource Guidance based on the best available evidence and developed in line with national policies and guidelines Management options including advice on prescribing Fully referenced.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
> findR *

Prodigy Knowledge

Prodigy Knowledge von Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics at Newcastle Ltd.
PRODIGY Knowledge is a recognised key resource used within the NHS by GPs, nurses and pharmacists. It is an up-to-date source of clinical knowledge about common conditions generally managed in primary and first contact care, which has been designed to be used by healthcare professionals together with patients. The book provides guidance on approximately 150 topics for both acute and chronic illnesses and is a reliable and useful resource to support both continued professional development and to aid decision-making during a consultation. Key features: Concise information for use in a consultation and more detailed information for use as a learning resource Guidance based on the best available evidence and developed in line with national policies and guidelines Management options including advice on prescribing Fully referenced.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-18
> findR *

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