Schulische Inklusion bei psychischen Auffälligkeiten

Schulische Inklusion bei psychischen Auffälligkeiten von Castello,  Armin
The aim in developing an inclusive school system is to allow all students to take part in shared teaching and to give them individual support. Quantitatively, children and young adults with various types of psychological disturbance form the largest group and represent a special challenge for schools. Many of the students affected develop secondary learning and behavioural difficulties, the effects of which are experienced by teachers, fellow students and parents as a strain on the everyday school routine. The effects include disruption of classes, aggressive social behaviour, social contagion effects and absenteeism. This book provides teachers in ordinary schools, special needs teachers and students with compact information on educational work for young people with psychological disturbances.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Schulische Inklusion bei psychischen Auffälligkeiten

Schulische Inklusion bei psychischen Auffälligkeiten von Castello,  Armin
The aim in developing an inclusive school system is to allow all students to take part in shared teaching and to give them individual support. Quantitatively, children and young adults with various types of psychological disturbance form the largest group and represent a special challenge for schools. Many of the students affected develop secondary learning and behavioural difficulties, the effects of which are experienced by teachers, fellow students and parents as a strain on the everyday school routine. The effects include disruption of classes, aggressive social behaviour, social contagion effects and absenteeism. This book provides teachers in ordinary schools, special needs teachers and students with compact information on educational work for young people with psychological disturbances.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Schulische Inklusion bei psychischen Auffälligkeiten

Schulische Inklusion bei psychischen Auffälligkeiten von Castello,  Armin
The aim in developing an inclusive school system is to allow all students to take part in shared teaching and to give them individual support. Quantitatively, children and young adults with various types of psychological disturbance form the largest group and represent a special challenge for schools. Many of the students affected develop secondary learning and behavioural difficulties, the effects of which are experienced by teachers, fellow students and parents as a strain on the everyday school routine. The effects include disruption of classes, aggressive social behaviour, social contagion effects and absenteeism. This book provides teachers in ordinary schools, special needs teachers and students with compact information on educational work for young people with psychological disturbances.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *

Schulische Inklusion bei psychischen Auffälligkeiten

Schulische Inklusion bei psychischen Auffälligkeiten von Castello,  Armin
The aim in developing an inclusive school system is to allow all students to take part in shared teaching and to give them individual support. Quantitatively, children and young adults with various types of psychological disturbance form the largest group and represent a special challenge for schools. Many of the students affected develop secondary learning and behavioural difficulties, the effects of which are experienced by teachers, fellow students and parents as a strain on the everyday school routine. The effects include disruption of classes, aggressive social behaviour, social contagion effects and absenteeism. This book provides teachers in ordinary schools, special needs teachers and students with compact information on educational work for young people with psychological disturbances.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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