The inland waters of tropical West Africa

The inland waters of tropical West Africa von John,  David M
Freshwater is the resource contributing perhaps more than any other to the nutrition and welfare of the African people, and yet there are considerable gaps in our knowledge of aquatic systems on the continent compared to those in Europe and North America. This was evident when I came to write what originally was intended to be a short review chapter on the botany of the inland waters of tropical West Africa. I soon discovered there to be a surprisingly large body of information on the subject though much of this was widely scattered in research papers and obscure reports. It was thus not readily available especially to researchers in Africa who often have limited access to the literature. There were found to be no recent reviews on the botany of any of the lager aquatic systems in tropical West Africa with the exception of the region's largest lake, the hydrologically very interesting Lake Chad (see Carmouze et al., 1983 b). No comparable accounts exist for the vast man-made lakes created in the 1960s and 1970s by the damming of such major rivers as the Volta and Niger. In general reviews of African limnology some mention is often made of aquatic botany in West Africa. Unfortunately the emphasis in these works is invariably on East Africa reflecting often the writer's own field experience and the great wealth of published research usually dealing with some of the fascinating lakes of the Rift Valley. It is hoped that the present work goes some way towards redressing this balance by bringing together in a single volume much of what is known of the aquatic plants of tropical West Africa. The early chapters are intended to provide an introduction to the physical, chemical and botanical features of the inland aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats of West Africa. Some of the more general features of the macrophytic vegetation and of the algae are considered in the later chapters. To do justice to the aquatic macrophytes the services of an ecologist with first hand experience of them in the region was needed as my own special interests are in the algae. It is hoped by so doing that this publication will serve as a stimulus for further research on African aquatic systems, especially by African Universities and other indigenous research institutions in order that a body of expertise will develop within the continent.
Aktualisiert: 2022-01-26
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Algal Assays and Monitoring Eutrophication

Algal Assays and Monitoring Eutrophication von Lhotsky,  O, Marvan,  P, Pribil,  S
Conservation and improvement of the environment all over the world is one of the main ecological problems facing mankind today. For many densely populated countries with a highly developed industry and intensive agriculture, one vital problem is to maintain a water supply of sufficient purity. Water management is a fairly complex, unremitting task requiring the cooperation of the many different bodies concerned — the water management authorities at all levels and the relevant research institutes. The growing quantity of organic matter in streams and reservoirs due to the spreading use of inorganic fertilizers has become the most urgent problem in connection with the quality of water. This is a worldwide problem, since growing demand for food can be satisfied only by more intensive agriculture using high quantities of fertilizer. These fertilizers are washed out of the soil into streams and reservoirs and seep into the ground water. It is essential to reconcile the mutually antagonistic demands of modern agriculture and water management. To do so, figures must be available on the amount of organic matter to be expected in the polluted water. A simple method is needed to elucidate the complex of factors which influence the growth and development of primary producer populations, and thus permit the assessment of their production potential. Of the available methods, the control of the trophic level of natural and polluted waters by means of algal assays appears to be a most promising approach. A thorough elaboration of this method and its general application in water quality control require an adequate understanding of the biological and physiological features of algal populations and communities. The selection of suitable species and the application of appropriate cultivation techniques are also essential for the successful utilization of these bio-assays. The present volume provides a summary of current knowledge, as presented at the colloquium on algal assays in Trebon in 1976.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-04
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International Symposium on the phycology of large lakes of the world

International Symposium on the phycology of large lakes of the world von Munawar,  M
The large lakes of the world represent one of the most undervalued resources on the surface of the globe. Despite their dimensions, akin to inland seas, they have failed to enthrall man in the manner of the seas of the continental margins. Much of human development has resulted from the very existence of these sweet water inland seas which have been rewarded by being turned into major receptacles for the waste by-products of this development. Over the past two decades the visible and often noxious deterioration in the world's large lakes has resulted in a developing interest and concern by both scientist and layman in these unique water bodies. In 1982, the First International Phycological Congress was held in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, and provided the editor with an ideal opportunity to organize an international symposium that focussed on the phycology of the large lakes of the world. Scientists from Canada, U.S.A., and U.S.S.R. contributed papers dealing with the large lakes of Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia. This compendium on the phycology of the Great Lakes of the world is a major stepping stone in the development of a consistent approach and understanding. It stands at the base of the food web, it recognizes the importance of community structure and the fragility of these plants to anthropogenic stress. It represents the encreasing sophistication of the science of fresh water bodies which is slowly enabling us to effectively manage our lakes as ecological systems; to understand and control both food web interactions as well as the impacts of material loadings from our ever changing society.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-20
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema algae

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