Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages

Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages von Gracia,  Jorge J
This is a study of the Problem of individuation in the early medieval period. Its purpose is to develop a general understanding of the then current approach to the problem based On the detailed investigations of the views of key authors of this period and to lay the foundations future investigations. The book begins with a chapter on the problem of individuation which makes no specific reference to the medieval tradition Its purpose is twofold: (a) to present a basic framework that will help in the philosophical comprehension and evaluation of the various doctrines of individuation proposed in this tradition and discussed in subsequent chapters; and (b) to provide a common ground whereby different medieval view may be compared with each other and with contemporary views. With the second chapter begins the historical discussion proper. It deals with Boethius, who introduced several aspects of this problem to the Middle Ages The way Boethiua discussed individuation suggests two basic approaches that were taken up by later figures The first, which is primarily metaphysical, is presented in Chapter III in the context of the view of John Eriugena, Thierry of Chartres, Gilbert of Poitiers and others The second, characterized by a more logical bent, is represented primarily by Peter Abelard and discussed in Chapter IV. The last chapter summarizes the points in earlier chapters and presents a general characterization of the approach to individuation used at this time. The book concludes with a detailed bibliography of the field. Of interest to: Philosophers, logicians, theologians, historians of these disciplines, scholars of medieval studies
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-13
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The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suarez

The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suarez von Davis,  Douglas, Gracia,  Jorge J
This volume contains the first translation into English of the two metaphysical disputations that Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) devoted to good and evil, Disputations X and XI of the 54 Disputationes Metaphysicae (1596). It also contains relevant passages on those topics selected from Disputation XXIII and other works in an appendix. The translation is preceded by a substantial introduction which presents an interpretation of Suárez's metaphysical view of good and evil and locates it within a philosophical and historical framework. The notes to the translation identify the textual sources to which Suárez refers and clarify the occasional problems found in die text. The Glossary aims to clarify Suarez's technical terminology and to identify die common understanding of terms by scholastics, pointing out, when possible, their source in Aristotle or his Latin commentators. An English-Latin index provides the Latin equivalents of English terms used in the text and the bibliography lists the works cited in the volume as well as other pertinent sources. The volume contains also a detailed subject index. ,The translation is readable, with copious annotations to identify Suárez's references and, where necessary, to provide further explanatory material. A glossary offering often extended notes on over two hundred Scholastic technical terms should make reading The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suárez a fruitful exercise for those not previously well versed in the terminology of the Schoolmen. The volume also contains indices of the Latin equivalents of key terms in the English translation, of the authors cited by Suárez and by the editors, and a subject index. A comprehensive bibliography concludes this exemplary edition." (Irish Philosophical Journal, 1990)
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-13
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Bücher von Gracia, Jorge J

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