Die Dollarprinzessin

Die Dollarprinzessin von Fall,  Leo, Grund,  Bert
Leo Fall was born in Olmütz (Moravia) in 1873 and died in Vienna in 1925. As with Lehár, his father was the conductor of an imperial military band. Having inherited the same musical talent, he began playing the violin at the age of five – a further parallel to Lehár – and later studied at the Vienna Academy of Music. In the course of his life he worked in Berlin, where he made his debut as a conductor in 1895, Hamburg and Cologne, before returning to Vienna via Berlin. Throughout his career he worked as a conductor. It was not until his return to Vienna that he began writing operettas. His works are among the best of the Vienna operettas‘s second generation. The “Dollar Princess”, written in 1908 is one of his most successful works. The music abounds in fascinating ideas and captivates through its charm and liveliness. Alice, the daughter of an American millionaire, lives by the principle that “money rules the world”. And so the storyline unfolds in this highly enjoyable film adaptation of the operetta...
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-18
> findR *

The Dollar Princess • Die Dollarprinzessin

The Dollar Princess • Die Dollarprinzessin von Fall,  Leo, Grund,  Bert
Leo Fall was born in Olmütz (Moravia) in 1873 and died in Vienna in 1925. As with Lehár, his father was the conductor of an imperial military band. Having inherited the same musical talent, he began playing the violin at the age of five – a further parallel to Lehár – and later studied at the Vienna Academy of Music. In the course of his life he worked in Berlin, where he made his debut as a conductor in 1895, Hamburg and Cologne, before returning to Vienna via Berlin. Throughout his career he worked as a conductor. It was not until his return to Vienna that he began writing operettas. His works are among the best of the Vienna operettas‘s second generation. The “Dollar Princess”, written in 1908 is one of his most successful works. The music abounds in fascinating ideas and captivates through its charm and liveliness. Alice, the daughter of an American millionaire, lives by the principle that “money rules the world”. And so the storyline unfolds in this highly enjoyable film adaptation of the operetta...
Aktualisiert: 2020-02-13
> findR *

Die Dollarprinzessin

Die Dollarprinzessin von Fall,  Leo, Grund,  Bert
Leo Fall was born in Olmütz (Moravia) in 1873 and died in Vienna in 1925. As with Lehár, his father was the conductor of an imperial military band. Having inherited the same musical talent, he began playing the violin at the age of five – a further parallel to Lehár – and later studied at the Vienna Academy of Music. In the course of his life he worked in Berlin, where he made his debut as a conductor in 1895, Hamburg and Cologne, before returning to Vienna via Berlin. Throughout his career he worked as a conductor. It was not until his return to Vienna that he began writing operettas. His works are among the best of the Vienna operettas‘s second generation. The “Dollar Princess”, written in 1908 is one of his most successful works. The music abounds in fascinating ideas and captivates through its charm and liveliness. Alice, the daughter of an American millionaire, lives by the principle that “money rules the world”. And so the storyline unfolds in this highly enjoyable film adaptation of the operetta...
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-15
> findR *

Bücher von Fall, Leo

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