Hypospadias Surgery

Hypospadias Surgery von Chandrasekharam,  VVS
Hypospadias Surgery: Science and Art is the first book of its kind published in the subcontinent and, in fact, Asia, that describes several tested and reliable techniques for the repair of different types of hypospadias with reproducible results. Based on the extensive experience and expertise of the author, developed over two decades, and over 1,200 operations, it discusses each technique in detail, along with live operative photographs for the salient steps of each procedure. As the title suggests, the content of the book balances both the science and the art of hypospadias surgery and has been crafted with commendable dedication and passion.It also discusses recent advances in the research into hypospadias causation, as well as the postoperative follow-up and assessment of the results. This book will be an immensely useful resource for postgraduate students and practitioners (pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists, urologists, and plastic surgeons), and those undertaking MCh training courses in pediatric surgery, urology, and plastic surgery. Key Features:   Each chapter and section deal with a particular aspect of hypospadias surgery,lending the reader a comprehensive overview of the topic.  Each technique is followed by “Author’s Comments” in which the author discusses the finer points of the technique through insights gained from his extensive experience. Detailed descriptions of the techniques utilized in reoperative hypospadias repair have been included in the book. The book focuses on the types of cases found in Asia, Asia-Pacific, and African regions, as the author believes that the type, variety, and severity of hypospadias in the countries located in these areas are different from that of the Western world.    VVS Chandrasekharam, MCh, FIAPS, is a gold medalist in Pediatric Surgery from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. He is one of the most popular pediatric surgeons in India, with a special interest in pediatric urology,which forms three-fourths of his practice. Besides hypospadias, Dr Chandra is an expert in pediatric laparoscopic surgery. He has also published several innovative techniques in international journals. He has performed the world’s largest series of laparoscopic pyeloplasty in children.     
Aktualisiert: 2021-12-14
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