Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst von Höfer,  Ulf, Valent,  Jutta
The series presents historical and systematic studies on the philosophy of Alexius Meinong and his school, as well as on works influenced by aspects of Meinong’s philosophy. Furthermore, the series is open to contributions in the analytic-phenomenological tradition, mirroring the most recent developments in these disciplines.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst von Höfer,  Ulf, Valent,  Jutta
The series presents historical and systematic studies on the philosophy of Alexius Meinong and his school, as well as on works influenced by aspects of Meinong’s philosophy. Furthermore, the series is open to contributions in the analytic-phenomenological tradition, mirroring the most recent developments in these disciplines.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst von Höfer,  Ulf, Valent,  Jutta
The series presents historical and systematic studies on the philosophy of Alexius Meinong and his school, as well as on works influenced by aspects of Meinong’s philosophy. Furthermore, the series is open to contributions in the analytic-phenomenological tradition, mirroring the most recent developments in these disciplines.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Funktionale Sonderausstattungen in der Premium-Automobilindustrie

Funktionale Sonderausstattungen in der Premium-Automobilindustrie von Jansen,  Daniel
In current scientific literature very little attention is paid to buying behaviour for functional optional equipment, despite its critical and steadily growing importance for the premium automobile industry. The central goal of this dissertation is thus the development of a theoretical as well as practice-oriented model to explain the buying behaviour for functional optional equipment and the model's validation against actual vehicle purchases. Based on the identified influencing factors, implications and recommended actions for the automobile practice as well as for science will be derived. Withal the problem of structural equational modeling with binary dependent variables is solved using a relatively new PLS-based method by Bodoff/Ho. Furthermore, the AIDEA model is developed integrating "Positive Experiences" as an additional phase to the well-known AIDA model.
Aktualisiert: 2022-10-04
> findR *

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst von Höfer,  Ulf, Valent,  Jutta
The series presents historical and systematic studies on the philosophy of Alexius Meinong and his school, as well as on works influenced by aspects of Meinong’s philosophy. Furthermore, the series is open to contributions in the analytic-phenomenological tradition, mirroring the most recent developments in these disciplines.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst von Höfer,  Ulf, Valent,  Jutta
The series presents historical and systematic studies on the philosophy of Alexius Meinong and his school, as well as on works influenced by aspects of Meinong’s philosophy. Furthermore, the series is open to contributions in the analytic-phenomenological tradition, mirroring the most recent developments in these disciplines.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst

Christian von Ehrenfels: Philosophie – Gestalttheorie – Kunst von Höfer,  Ulf, Valent,  Jutta
The series presents historical and systematic studies on the philosophy of Alexius Meinong and his school, as well as on works influenced by aspects of Meinong’s philosophy. Furthermore, the series is open to contributions in the analytic-phenomenological tradition, mirroring the most recent developments in these disciplines.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Value Theory

Sie suchen ein Buch über Value Theory? Bei Buch findr finden Sie eine große Auswahl Bücher zum Thema Value Theory. Entdecken Sie neue Bücher oder Klassiker für Sie selbst oder zum Verschenken. Buch findr hat zahlreiche Bücher zum Thema Value Theory im Sortiment. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit zum Stöbern und finden Sie das passende Buch für Ihr Lesevergnügen. Stöbern Sie durch unser Angebot und finden Sie aus unserer großen Auswahl das Buch, das Ihnen zusagt. Bei Buch findr finden Sie Romane, Ratgeber, wissenschaftliche und populärwissenschaftliche Bücher uvm. Bestellen Sie Ihr Buch zum Thema Value Theory einfach online und lassen Sie es sich bequem nach Hause schicken. Wir wünschen Ihnen schöne und entspannte Lesemomente mit Ihrem Buch.

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