Studies on Lake Nantua (France)

Studies on Lake Nantua (France) von Feuillade,  Jacques
The present volume gives an overview about studies of the ecosystem of Lake Nantua, located in the Jura mountains in France, which was often quoted as a typical example of the harmful effect of human activity on water quality. This paper provides the background to analyses of the data obtained during these studies.
Aktualisiert: 2022-05-23
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International Workshop on Sediment phosphorus (1.), Wien, März 1986

International Workshop on Sediment phosphorus (1.), Wien, März 1986 von Gunatilaka,  Amarasinha, Psenner,  Roland
In March 23rd 1986, a small group of scientists from 11 countries met at the Department of Limnology, University of Vienna, to discuss sediment phosphorus problems. The discussions lasted three days during which twenty lectures were delivered and discussed under the following headings: 1. Sedimentation, 2. Release, 3. Bioavailability and 4. Fractionation of P. The final day was devoted to summarize the information gathered and to make proposals for future research. Four working groups were formed for this task. In the first group (Sedimentation) the sources, transport and transformation processes of particulate phosphorus during sedimentation were discussed. The second group (Release) was dealing with concepts, causes and consequences of phosphorus fluxes through the interface. Group number three (Bioavailability) treated the availability of different P compounds to organisms, and group four (Fractionation) tried to summarize and to update the present knowledge of fractionation methods. Some of the original papers presented at the meeting appear in this volume; working group summaries and recommendations are located at the end. The intention was not to present a detailed treatise on the phosphorus dynamics but rather an overview of the current knowledge, the state of the art and to list the topics which should be tackled intensively in the near future. At the end of the workshop the participants generally agreed that a better understanding of P dynamics in the sediment-water interface needs research in all the discussed topics viz. sedimentation, release, bioavailability, fractionation. As the outcome of the workshop was encouraging, a follow-up meeting is planned for 1988 in Sweden.
Aktualisiert: 2015-10-07
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International Workshop on the Measurement of Microbial Activities…

International Workshop on the Measurement of Microbial Activities… von Cappenberg,  Th E, Steenbergen,  C L
The results of the Third International Workshop on the Measurement of Activity in the Carbon Cycle in Aquatic Ecosystems, held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in August 1986, are presented in this volume. This workshop was devoted to a thorough investigation of the status of knowledge in measuring microbial activity and research strategies in aquatic microbial ecology.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-20
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Lake Metabolism and Management

Lake Metabolism and Management von Likens,  G E, Rodhe,  W, Serruya,  C
This volume represents papers from the Limnological Jubilee Symposium of Uppsala University in 1977. Limnology is the part of ecology that deals with the structure and functions of inland waters, including their responses to human activities. Theoretical aspects of lake metabolism and practical considerations of lake management are intimately connected.
Aktualisiert: 2015-10-07
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The inland waters of tropical West Africa

The inland waters of tropical West Africa von John,  David M
Freshwater is the resource contributing perhaps more than any other to the nutrition and welfare of the African people, and yet there are considerable gaps in our knowledge of aquatic systems on the continent compared to those in Europe and North America. This was evident when I came to write what originally was intended to be a short review chapter on the botany of the inland waters of tropical West Africa. I soon discovered there to be a surprisingly large body of information on the subject though much of this was widely scattered in research papers and obscure reports. It was thus not readily available especially to researchers in Africa who often have limited access to the literature. There were found to be no recent reviews on the botany of any of the lager aquatic systems in tropical West Africa with the exception of the region's largest lake, the hydrologically very interesting Lake Chad (see Carmouze et al., 1983 b). No comparable accounts exist for the vast man-made lakes created in the 1960s and 1970s by the damming of such major rivers as the Volta and Niger. In general reviews of African limnology some mention is often made of aquatic botany in West Africa. Unfortunately the emphasis in these works is invariably on East Africa reflecting often the writer's own field experience and the great wealth of published research usually dealing with some of the fascinating lakes of the Rift Valley. It is hoped that the present work goes some way towards redressing this balance by bringing together in a single volume much of what is known of the aquatic plants of tropical West Africa. The early chapters are intended to provide an introduction to the physical, chemical and botanical features of the inland aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats of West Africa. Some of the more general features of the macrophytic vegetation and of the algae are considered in the later chapters. To do justice to the aquatic macrophytes the services of an ecologist with first hand experience of them in the region was needed as my own special interests are in the algae. It is hoped by so doing that this publication will serve as a stimulus for further research on African aquatic systems, especially by African Universities and other indigenous research institutions in order that a body of expertise will develop within the continent.
Aktualisiert: 2022-01-26
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International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality. Proceedings / Physical limnology, mathematical models and microbial decomposition

International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality. Proceedings / Physical limnology, mathematical models and microbial decomposition von Brandl,  Z, Henderson-Sellers,  B, Straškrabová,  V
The first part of Vol. 33 contains abstracts of the "International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality" held at České Budéjovice, Czechoslovakia, in June 1987. These abstracts are dealing with topics such as sediments, dynamics of zooplankton and suspended matter in the water column, variations of physiochemical parameters or the effect of reservoir on the climate in a near-shore zone.
Aktualisiert: 2022-05-06
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Limnology of Eifel maar lakes

Limnology of Eifel maar lakes von Björk,  Sven, Scharf,  Burkhard W
The Eifel maar lakes are of volcanic origin. Because of their favourable geographic location close together, small catchment areas, and great individual differences, they are ideal for limnological studies. From 1910 to 1914 august Thienemann carried out limnological research in the maar lakes. Results from these studies formed the basis for his lake-typology system. He defined the "normal" oligotrophic and eutrophic lake-types and set up a causality chain from the surrounding land via water chemistry and the biological communities to the rest product of the ecosystem, the sediment. Thienemann devoted special attention to the reciprocal relationship between biotope and biocoenosis. These studies, which thus go far beyond and faunistic surveys, became guidelines for the development of limnology. Because of their thoroughness and insight, the investigations carried out by Thienemann offer excellent material for comparisons when describing the development of the Eifel lake ecosystems. The results of continued studies of the Eifel Maar Lakes are therefore presented in this issue.
Aktualisiert: 2015-10-07
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The measurement of photosynthetic pigments in freshwaters and standardization of methods

The measurement of photosynthetic pigments in freshwaters and standardization of methods von Marker,  A F, Rai,  Hakumat
This volume consists papers dealing with the measurement of photosynthetic pigments in freshwater and standardization of methods, which are presented at the 2nd workshop in Plön, Germany, in July 1980. The objective of this workshop were within the categories of storage, extraction, absorption spectrophotometry, specific absorption coefficients, acidification techniques, in vivo fluorometry and most modern chromatographic techniques.
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-09
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Plant macrofossils in Quaternary lake sediments

Plant macrofossils in Quaternary lake sediments von Birks,  Hilary H
In this work the palaeoecological importance of studying plant macrofossils like seeds, fruits, leaves, etc. preserved in Quaternary lake sediments is reviewed. The studies demonstrate the value of macrofossils in reconstructing past lake conditions, water level, water chemistry, and regional climate. Changes in the distribution and abundance of aquatic plants, so clearly demonstrated by macrofossil evidence are discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-18
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Nutrient remobilization from sediments and its limnological effects

Nutrient remobilization from sediments and its limnological effects von Bernhardt,  H.
In this volume a literature study, which is the basis for the investigations that are executed by the Wahnbach Reservoir Association between 1978 and 1981 at the reservoir is presented. The results of this study are also presented in this issue.
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-07
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International Symposium on the phycology of large lakes of the world

International Symposium on the phycology of large lakes of the world von Munawar,  M
The large lakes of the world represent one of the most undervalued resources on the surface of the globe. Despite their dimensions, akin to inland seas, they have failed to enthrall man in the manner of the seas of the continental margins. Much of human development has resulted from the very existence of these sweet water inland seas which have been rewarded by being turned into major receptacles for the waste by-products of this development. Over the past two decades the visible and often noxious deterioration in the world's large lakes has resulted in a developing interest and concern by both scientist and layman in these unique water bodies. In 1982, the First International Phycological Congress was held in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, and provided the editor with an ideal opportunity to organize an international symposium that focussed on the phycology of the large lakes of the world. Scientists from Canada, U.S.A., and U.S.S.R. contributed papers dealing with the large lakes of Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia. This compendium on the phycology of the Great Lakes of the world is a major stepping stone in the development of a consistent approach and understanding. It stands at the base of the food web, it recognizes the importance of community structure and the fragility of these plants to anthropogenic stress. It represents the encreasing sophistication of the science of fresh water bodies which is slowly enabling us to effectively manage our lakes as ecological systems; to understand and control both food web interactions as well as the impacts of material loadings from our ever changing society.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-20
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Photosynthesis, Productivity and Growth

Photosynthesis, Productivity and Growth von Harris,  Graham P
The present volume gives an overview about records of measurements of primary productivity and related topics in the lakes and oceans of the world. Planktonic algae (phytoplankton) exist in a three-dimensionally intermittently mixed environment. For many years limnologists and oceanographers have been measuring the primary productivity of phytoplankton by suspending water samples, containing phytoplankton, in the water and measuring the exchange of oxygen and carbon which takes place or have been taking water samples to the laboratories, and measuring the productivity under controlled conditions.
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-07
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Speciation in ancient Lakes

Speciation in ancient Lakes von Cutler,  George, Goddeeris,  Boudewijn, Marten,  Koen
The present volume should be regarded as a general introduction to the subject of ancient lakes. The special nature and environments of the ancient lakes and extant biodiversities are briefly outlined. Tempo and mode of intra-lacustrine speciation are discussed and various factors affecting speciation and extinction events are listed.
Aktualisiert: 2015-10-07
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