Lectins / Proceedings of the Fourth Lectin Meeting: Copenhagen, June 1981

Lectins / Proceedings of the Fourth Lectin Meeting: Copenhagen, June 1981 von Bøg-Hansen,  T. C.
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Part I. Biological Effects and Biological Functions of Lectins -- Histophathological Changes Induced in Mice by the Plant Toxin Ricin and its Highly Purified Subunits A-Chain and B-Chain -- Suppression of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis in Guinea Pigs and Rats by Concanavalin A -- Lectins, Allergens and Mucus -- Effect of Viscum Lectin on Histamine Release from Human Leukocytes -- Analysis of the Recycling Behaviour of Galactose-Specific Lectins on Rat Liver Cells -- Interaction of Soybean Agglutinin with Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subpopulations: Evidence for the Existence of a Lectin-Like Substance on the Lymphocyte Surface -- A Recognition Mechanism in the Adhesion of Nematodes to Nematode-Trapping Fungi -- The Lectin-Producing Cells in the Sponge Tissue -- The Non-Random Distribution of Lectin in the Azolla caroliniana-Anabaena azollae Symbiosis -- Distribution, Specificity and in vivo Significance of Phytolectins -- Occurrence of Lectin During the Life Cycle of Lathyrus Species -- Part II. Cell Receptors and Cell Reactions -- Monosaccharides and Tamm-Horsefal1 Glycopeptide Inhibit Allogeneic Antigen-Induced Lymphocyte Blàstogenesis in One-Way Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction -- Murine 3T3 Cell Deformability and Concanavalin A Agglutination -- Correlation with a Physical Model System -- Lectin Binding to and Lectin Induced Agglutination of Haemopoietic Cells -- Lectin Binding by Malaria Infected Erythrocytes -- A Tumor Specific WGA-Receptor on a Chemically Induced Carcinoma -- Distribution of Lectin Receptors in Neonatal and Embryonic Mouse Tissue -- Interaction of Peroxidase-Coupled Helix pomatia Lectin with Rat Hepatoma Cells -- Use of Lectins for the Characterization of the Insulin Receptor Glycosidic Moiety in Rat Adipocytes and Hepatocytes -- Ricin 120 as a Selective Marker in the Nervous System -- The Role of the Cell Coat in Palatal Shelves Adhesion. The Action of Neuraminidase and Limulus polyphemus Lectin on Shelves Cultivated in vitro -- Mobility of Con A Receptors at the Surface of Palatal Shelves before Closure of the Secondary Palate -- Increased Alpha-Galactosidase Activity in Normal and Fabry Fibroblasts Treated with Con A and Purified Enzyme -- Lectin-Induced Surface Changes in Lymphocytes of Gnotobiotic Pigs -- Mitogenic Lectins and Alpha-Fetoprotein as Modulators of Lymphocyte Surface Enzyme Activities -- Part III. Macromolecules and Lectins -- Specific Interaction of R-Type Lipopolysaccharides with Lectins Versus their Non-Specific Reactivity with Basic and Hydrophobic Proteins -- Lectin Receptors in Proteogalactans from the Albumin Gland of Achatina fulica -- Affinity of Leucoagglutinin (L-PHA), Compared with Dolichos biflorus Lectin and Con A, for Human Tamm- Horsefall Glycopeptide -- Interaction of Haptoglobin with Lectin -- Interaction of Polyclonal and Monoclonal Human Immunoglobulins G with Various Lectins (Concanavalin A, Lentil and Pea Lectins) -- Changes in the Relative Amount of Individual Microheterogeneous Eorms of Serum Alpha-l-Antichymotrypsin in Disease -- Study of the ConA Binding of Human Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein during the Acute Inflammatory Process. Evidence for Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein Populations of Different pi Values after ConA Affinity Chromatography in Normal and Inflammatory Sera -- Crossed Affinity Immunoelectrophoresis of Factor VIII- Related Antigen in van Willebrand's Disease -- Comparability of Carbohydrate Heterogeneity Patterns of Human Alpha-Fetoprotein in Different Biological Fluids -- Demonstration and Quantification of Microheterogeneity Forms of Human Alpha-Fetoprotein by Lectin Affinity Electrophoresis -- Estimation of ConA-Binding and Non-Binding Forms of Human Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) by Rocket Line Affino Immuno Electrophoresis -- Crossed Charge-Shift Affino-Immunoelectrophoresis of Human and Murine Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) -- Heterogeneity of Human Ferritins Studied by Crossed Lectin-Affinity-Radioimmunoelectrophore
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
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Lectins / Proceedings of the Fourth Lectin Meeting: Copenhagen, June 1981

Lectins / Proceedings of the Fourth Lectin Meeting: Copenhagen, June 1981 von Bøg-Hansen,  T. C.
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Part I. Biological Effects and Biological Functions of Lectins -- Histophathological Changes Induced in Mice by the Plant Toxin Ricin and its Highly Purified Subunits A-Chain and B-Chain -- Suppression of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis in Guinea Pigs and Rats by Concanavalin A -- Lectins, Allergens and Mucus -- Effect of Viscum Lectin on Histamine Release from Human Leukocytes -- Analysis of the Recycling Behaviour of Galactose-Specific Lectins on Rat Liver Cells -- Interaction of Soybean Agglutinin with Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subpopulations: Evidence for the Existence of a Lectin-Like Substance on the Lymphocyte Surface -- A Recognition Mechanism in the Adhesion of Nematodes to Nematode-Trapping Fungi -- The Lectin-Producing Cells in the Sponge Tissue -- The Non-Random Distribution of Lectin in the Azolla caroliniana-Anabaena azollae Symbiosis -- Distribution, Specificity and in vivo Significance of Phytolectins -- Occurrence of Lectin During the Life Cycle of Lathyrus Species -- Part II. Cell Receptors and Cell Reactions -- Monosaccharides and Tamm-Horsefal1 Glycopeptide Inhibit Allogeneic Antigen-Induced Lymphocyte Blàstogenesis in One-Way Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction -- Murine 3T3 Cell Deformability and Concanavalin A Agglutination -- Correlation with a Physical Model System -- Lectin Binding to and Lectin Induced Agglutination of Haemopoietic Cells -- Lectin Binding by Malaria Infected Erythrocytes -- A Tumor Specific WGA-Receptor on a Chemically Induced Carcinoma -- Distribution of Lectin Receptors in Neonatal and Embryonic Mouse Tissue -- Interaction of Peroxidase-Coupled Helix pomatia Lectin with Rat Hepatoma Cells -- Use of Lectins for the Characterization of the Insulin Receptor Glycosidic Moiety in Rat Adipocytes and Hepatocytes -- Ricin 120 as a Selective Marker in the Nervous System -- The Role of the Cell Coat in Palatal Shelves Adhesion. The Action of Neuraminidase and Limulus polyphemus Lectin on Shelves Cultivated in vitro -- Mobility of Con A Receptors at the Surface of Palatal Shelves before Closure of the Secondary Palate -- Increased Alpha-Galactosidase Activity in Normal and Fabry Fibroblasts Treated with Con A and Purified Enzyme -- Lectin-Induced Surface Changes in Lymphocytes of Gnotobiotic Pigs -- Mitogenic Lectins and Alpha-Fetoprotein as Modulators of Lymphocyte Surface Enzyme Activities -- Part III. Macromolecules and Lectins -- Specific Interaction of R-Type Lipopolysaccharides with Lectins Versus their Non-Specific Reactivity with Basic and Hydrophobic Proteins -- Lectin Receptors in Proteogalactans from the Albumin Gland of Achatina fulica -- Affinity of Leucoagglutinin (L-PHA), Compared with Dolichos biflorus Lectin and Con A, for Human Tamm- Horsefall Glycopeptide -- Interaction of Haptoglobin with Lectin -- Interaction of Polyclonal and Monoclonal Human Immunoglobulins G with Various Lectins (Concanavalin A, Lentil and Pea Lectins) -- Changes in the Relative Amount of Individual Microheterogeneous Eorms of Serum Alpha-l-Antichymotrypsin in Disease -- Study of the ConA Binding of Human Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein during the Acute Inflammatory Process. Evidence for Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein Populations of Different pi Values after ConA Affinity Chromatography in Normal and Inflammatory Sera -- Crossed Affinity Immunoelectrophoresis of Factor VIII- Related Antigen in van Willebrand's Disease -- Comparability of Carbohydrate Heterogeneity Patterns of Human Alpha-Fetoprotein in Different Biological Fluids -- Demonstration and Quantification of Microheterogeneity Forms of Human Alpha-Fetoprotein by Lectin Affinity Electrophoresis -- Estimation of ConA-Binding and Non-Binding Forms of Human Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) by Rocket Line Affino Immuno Electrophoresis -- Crossed Charge-Shift Affino-Immunoelectrophoresis of Human and Murine Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) -- Heterogeneity of Human Ferritins Studied by Crossed Lectin-Affinity-Radioimmunoelectrophore
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
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Biogene Arzneimittel

Biogene Arzneimittel von Teuscher,  Eberhard
Arzneimittel aus natürlichen Quellen - ungeheuer faszinierend Der neue "Teuscher" spannt den Bogen über alle Gebiete der Pharmazeutischen Biologie, vereint traditionelles Wissen mit neusten Erkenntnissen und bahnt die Wissensflut durch besonders hervorgehobene Textpassagen. Das Autorentrio hat seinen Klassiker neu zum Funkeln gebracht und bietet unter anderem: Wesen, Herkunft, Verarbeitung der Drogen Struktur, Biosynthese, Stoffwechsel der Inhaltstoffe Gewinnung, Anwendung der Wirksubstanzen Wirkung, Nebenwirkungen, Dosierung abgeleiteter Arzneimittel und behandelt auch klassisch und gentechnisch hergestellte Hormon-, Enzym-, Blut- und Immunpräparate. Seit Generationen Lehrbuch und Begleiter in Studium und Beruf - ein Muss und ein Genuss! "Das Lehrbuch ist sowohl den Studierenden der Pharmazie als auch dem Apotheker in der Praxis als Nachschlagewerk bestens zu empfehlen." (Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung)
Aktualisiert: 2020-05-19
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