A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses?

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses? von Schiffauer,  Peter
Tackling the economic and financial crisis has become a touchstone for the success of European integration. Significant imbalances, tensions and upheavals emerged under the conditions of the latest crisis that hit the states and regions of Europe in very different manners. This raises the question which methods and instruments of economic governance are suitable to successfully counteract such developments.°°The interdisciplinary colloquium “European Governance in Crisis” focused on the question whether the EU should prefer a single model of governance or rather tailored responses. Researchers from various EU member states (some of whom were particularly affected by the crisis and the measures taken to settle it) address historical, economic and legal aspects of European governance during a crisis. Their contributions may help to understand historical processes of economic crisis management, disseminate knowledge of the measures operated by the European Union and its member states, consider possible alternatives to them and stimulate sensitivity to fundamental aspects of constitutional legitimacy of current policies and possible future options.°°
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses?

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses? von Schiffauer,  Peter
Tackling the economic and financial crisis has become a touchstone for the success of European integration. Significant imbalances, tensions and upheavals emerged under the conditions of the latest crisis that hit the states and regions of Europe in very different manners. This raises the question which methods and instruments of economic governance are suitable to successfully counteract such developments.°°The interdisciplinary colloquium “European Governance in Crisis” focused on the question whether the EU should prefer a single model of governance or rather tailored responses. Researchers from various EU member states (some of whom were particularly affected by the crisis and the measures taken to settle it) address historical, economic and legal aspects of European governance during a crisis. Their contributions may help to understand historical processes of economic crisis management, disseminate knowledge of the measures operated by the European Union and its member states, consider possible alternatives to them and stimulate sensitivity to fundamental aspects of constitutional legitimacy of current policies and possible future options.°°
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses?

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses? von Schiffauer,  Peter
Tackling the economic and financial crisis has become a touchstone for the success of European integration. Significant imbalances, tensions and upheavals emerged under the conditions of the latest crisis that hit the states and regions of Europe in very different manners. This raises the question which methods and instruments of economic governance are suitable to successfully counteract such developments.°°The interdisciplinary colloquium “European Governance in Crisis” focused on the question whether the EU should prefer a single model of governance or rather tailored responses. Researchers from various EU member states (some of whom were particularly affected by the crisis and the measures taken to settle it) address historical, economic and legal aspects of European governance during a crisis. Their contributions may help to understand historical processes of economic crisis management, disseminate knowledge of the measures operated by the European Union and its member states, consider possible alternatives to them and stimulate sensitivity to fundamental aspects of constitutional legitimacy of current policies and possible future options.°°
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
> findR *

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses?

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses? von Schiffauer,  Peter
Tackling the economic and financial crisis has become a touchstone for the success of European integration. Significant imbalances, tensions and upheavals emerged under the conditions of the latest crisis that hit the states and regions of Europe in very different manners. This raises the question which methods and instruments of economic governance are suitable to successfully counteract such developments.°°The interdisciplinary colloquium “European Governance in Crisis” focused on the question whether the EU should prefer a single model of governance or rather tailored responses. Researchers from various EU member states (some of whom were particularly affected by the crisis and the measures taken to settle it) address historical, economic and legal aspects of European governance during a crisis. Their contributions may help to understand historical processes of economic crisis management, disseminate knowledge of the measures operated by the European Union and its member states, consider possible alternatives to them and stimulate sensitivity to fundamental aspects of constitutional legitimacy of current policies and possible future options.°°
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
> findR *

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses?

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses? von Schiffauer,  Peter
Tackling the economic and financial crisis has become a touchstone for the success of European integration. Significant imbalances, tensions and upheavals emerged under the conditions of the latest crisis that hit the states and regions of Europe in very different manners. This raises the question which methods and instruments of economic governance are suitable to successfully counteract such developments.°°The interdisciplinary colloquium “European Governance in Crisis” focused on the question whether the EU should prefer a single model of governance or rather tailored responses. Researchers from various EU member states (some of whom were particularly affected by the crisis and the measures taken to settle it) address historical, economic and legal aspects of European governance during a crisis. Their contributions may help to understand historical processes of economic crisis management, disseminate knowledge of the measures operated by the European Union and its member states, consider possible alternatives to them and stimulate sensitivity to fundamental aspects of constitutional legitimacy of current policies and possible future options.°°
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
> findR *

Nachhaltig wirken

Nachhaltig wirken von Biwald,  Peter, Mitterer,  Karoline, Prorok,  Thomas, Wirth,  Klaus
Seit nunmehr 50 Jahren ist das KDZ - Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung für den öffentlichen Sektor tätig und hat sich zu einem Kompetenzzentrum und einer Wissensplattform für Public Management & Consulting, Europäische Governance & Städtepolitik, Finanzwirtschaft und Weiterbildung entwickelt. In dieser Jubiläumsausgabe setzt sich das KDZ mit Zukunftsfragen im öffentlichen Sektor auseinander. Für die Beiträge konnten hochkarätige, langjährige Partnerinnen und Partner des KDZ gewonnen werden. In der Publikation werden drei Schwerpunkte gesetzt: Ein erster Teil greift Entwicklungen im Bereich der Verwaltungs- und Organisationsentwicklung auf, wobei insbesondere Bezug auf agile Verwaltungen und die Digitalisierung genommen wird. In einem zweiten Teil stehen neue Governance-Ansätze im Mehr-Ebenen-System im Mittelpunkt, etwa betreffend Wirkungsorientierung, Bürgerbeteiligung oder Innovationsförderung. Ein dritter Teil beschäftigt sich mit nachhaltigem Finanzieren öffentlicher Leistungen, beginnend beim Finanzausgleich bis hin zu transparenten Haushalten.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

Nachhaltig wirken

Nachhaltig wirken von Biwald,  Peter, Mitterer,  Karoline, Prorok,  Thomas, Wirth,  Klaus
Seit nunmehr 50 Jahren ist das KDZ - Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung für den öffentlichen Sektor tätig und hat sich zu einem Kompetenzzentrum und einer Wissensplattform für Public Management & Consulting, Europäische Governance & Städtepolitik, Finanzwirtschaft und Weiterbildung entwickelt. In dieser Jubiläumsausgabe setzt sich das KDZ mit Zukunftsfragen im öffentlichen Sektor auseinander. Für die Beiträge konnten hochkarätige, langjährige Partnerinnen und Partner des KDZ gewonnen werden. In der Publikation werden drei Schwerpunkte gesetzt: Ein erster Teil greift Entwicklungen im Bereich der Verwaltungs- und Organisationsentwicklung auf, wobei insbesondere Bezug auf agile Verwaltungen und die Digitalisierung genommen wird. In einem zweiten Teil stehen neue Governance-Ansätze im Mehr-Ebenen-System im Mittelpunkt, etwa betreffend Wirkungsorientierung, Bürgerbeteiligung oder Innovationsförderung. Ein dritter Teil beschäftigt sich mit nachhaltigem Finanzieren öffentlicher Leistungen, beginnend beim Finanzausgleich bis hin zu transparenten Haushalten.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses?

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses? von Schiffauer,  Peter
Tackling the economic and financial crisis has become a touchstone for the success of European integration. Significant imbalances, tensions and upheavals emerged under the conditions of the latest crisis that hit the states and regions of Europe in very different manners. This raises the question which methods and instruments of economic governance are suitable to successfully counteract such developments.°°The interdisciplinary colloquium “European Governance in Crisis” focused on the question whether the EU should prefer a single model of governance or rather tailored responses. Researchers from various EU member states (some of whom were particularly affected by the crisis and the measures taken to settle it) address historical, economic and legal aspects of European governance during a crisis. Their contributions may help to understand historical processes of economic crisis management, disseminate knowledge of the measures operated by the European Union and its member states, consider possible alternatives to them and stimulate sensitivity to fundamental aspects of constitutional legitimacy of current policies and possible future options.°°
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-29
> findR *

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses?

A Single Model of Governance or Tailored Responses? von Schiffauer,  Peter
Tackling the economic and financial crisis has become a touchstone for the success of European integration. Significant imbalances, tensions and upheavals emerged under the conditions of the latest crisis that hit the states and regions of Europe in very different manners. This raises the question which methods and instruments of economic governance are suitable to successfully counteract such developments.°°The interdisciplinary colloquium “European Governance in Crisis” focused on the question whether the EU should prefer a single model of governance or rather tailored responses. Researchers from various EU member states (some of whom were particularly affected by the crisis and the measures taken to settle it) address historical, economic and legal aspects of European governance during a crisis. Their contributions may help to understand historical processes of economic crisis management, disseminate knowledge of the measures operated by the European Union and its member states, consider possible alternatives to them and stimulate sensitivity to fundamental aspects of constitutional legitimacy of current policies and possible future options.°°
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-21
> findR *

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