Jeremiah 1-25

Jeremiah 1-25 von Berlin,  Adele, Blum,  Erhard, Carr,  David M., Dietrich,  Walter, Ego,  Beate, Fischer,  Irmtraud, Gesundheit,  Shimon, Gross,  Walter, Knoppers,  Gary N., Levinson,  Bernard M., Maier,  Christl, Maloney,  Linda M., Noort,  Ed, Utzschneider,  Helmut
The commentary interprets Jeremiah 1-25 as a dramatic text: In laments, accusations, and announcements of doom, a polyphonic message about the fall of Jerusalem and Judah emerges. The colorful and sometimes disturbing texts deal with a cultural trauma and try to develop an image of God that is capable of explaining history and at the same time conveys hope for a better future. The female personification of Jerusalem provides an emotional and compassionate portrait of the people, giving voice to their experiences of wartime violence and destruction. The persecuted prophet Jeremiah wrestles with God on behalf of the people.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
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Jeremiah 1-25

Jeremiah 1-25 von Berlin,  Adele, Blum,  Erhard, Carr,  David M., Dietrich,  Walter, Ego,  Beate, Fischer,  Irmtraud, Gesundheit,  Shimon, Gross,  Walter, Knoppers,  Gary N., Levinson,  Bernard M., Maier,  Christl, Maloney,  Linda M., Noort,  Ed, Utzschneider,  Helmut
The commentary interprets Jeremiah 1-25 as a dramatic text: In laments, accusations, and announcements of doom, a polyphonic message about the fall of Jerusalem and Judah emerges. The colorful and sometimes disturbing texts deal with a cultural trauma and try to develop an image of God that is capable of explaining history and at the same time conveys hope for a better future. The female personification of Jerusalem provides an emotional and compassionate portrait of the people, giving voice to their experiences of wartime violence and destruction. The persecuted prophet Jeremiah wrestles with God on behalf of the people.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
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1 Esdras

1 Esdras von Berlin,  Adele, Blum,  Erhard, Böhler,  Dieter, Carr,  David M., Dietrich,  Walter, Ego,  Beate, Fischer,  Irmtraud, Gesundheit,  Shimon, Gross,  Walter, Knoppers,  Gary N., Levinson,  Bernard M., Maloney,  Linda M., Noort,  Ed, Utzschneider,  Helmut
1 Esdras is an alternative version of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah in the Septuagint. Most Eastern Orthodox churches accord the book canonical status. This is the first commentary on 1 Esdras based on the critical text of the Göttingen Septuagint edition. It understands 1 Esdras not simply as a fragment of the Chronistic history or as merely a compilation, but rather as a coherent narrative. Its interpretation as a literary work and the reconstruction of its composition take into account both the historical backgrounds of the narrative setting of the Persian period and the historical location of the composition in the Hasmonaean period. 1 Esdras is currently enjoying a period of renewed attention in scholarship. Its relationship to Ezra-Nehemiah is seen as a prime example of literary-historical developments in Israel.
Aktualisiert: 2016-05-06
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Bücher von Maloney, Linda M.

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