Katalog der Handschriften der Universiäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck. Teil 10: Cod. 951-1198

Katalog der Handschriften der Universiäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck. Teil 10: Cod. 951-1198 von Gritsch,  Helmut, Kennel,  Patrick, Neuhauser,  Walter, Neyer,  Rita, Ohlenschläger,  Alexandra, Pinter,  Anna, Schretter-Picker,  Claudia
Established in 1987, the Katalog der Handschriften der Innsbrucker Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ULBT) is a scientific manuscript catalogue in line with the guidelines of the Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The present tenth volume (FWF project no. P25151-G18, edited under the direction of Dr. Walter Neuhauser) concludes the series, meaning that the complete inventory of the ULBT’s manuscripts is now recorded. As a result of the less extensive requirements for descriptions of modern manuscripts, it was possible to include all the shelfmarks starting from Cod. 951 in a single volume. Three medieval manuscripts, while unimpressive in appearance, are to be mentioned as cimelia: Cod. 960 (Thuringia, 1391), containing three sacred plays and kept in Neustift since 1445 at the latest, which can be seen as the origin of Tyrol’s culture of plays flourishing in the 15th and 16th century; Cod. 961 (Tyrol, ca. 1415), the oldest copy of the Pluemen der Tugent by the Tyrolean poet Hans Vintler; Cod. 979 (Schnals, 15th century), German translations of latin books of meditations by Niklas von Wyle, Heinrich Haller (who was a monk in Schnals) and others. The modern manuscripts are consistently interesting, too: chronicles, journals, texts in the fields of law, administration, constitution, the military, genealogy, economics, technology, medicine and geography are represented as well as works of fiction. Among them are rarities such as two Ladin texts, Cod. 1037, a catechism in the Ennebergian dialect, and the shelfmark 20.336, a dictionary of the Fassan dialect by Hugo Rossi,
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *

Katalog der Handschriften der Universiäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck. Teil 10: Cod. 951-1198

Katalog der Handschriften der Universiäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck. Teil 10: Cod. 951-1198 von Gritsch,  Helmut, Kennel,  Patrick, Neuhauser,  Walter, Neyer,  Rita, Ohlenschläger,  Alexandra, Pinter,  Anna, Schretter-Picker,  Claudia
Established in 1987, the Katalog der Handschriften der Innsbrucker Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ULBT) is a scientific manuscript catalogue in line with the guidelines of the Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The present tenth volume (FWF project no. P25151-G18, edited under the direction of Dr. Walter Neuhauser) concludes the series, meaning that the complete inventory of the ULBT’s manuscripts is now recorded. As a result of the less extensive requirements for descriptions of modern manuscripts, it was possible to include all the shelfmarks starting from Cod. 951 in a single volume. Three medieval manuscripts, while unimpressive in appearance, are to be mentioned as cimelia: Cod. 960 (Thuringia, 1391), containing three sacred plays and kept in Neustift since 1445 at the latest, which can be seen as the origin of Tyrol’s culture of plays flourishing in the 15th and 16th century; Cod. 961 (Tyrol, ca. 1415), the oldest copy of the Pluemen der Tugent by the Tyrolean poet Hans Vintler; Cod. 979 (Schnals, 15th century), German translations of latin books of meditations by Niklas von Wyle, Heinrich Haller (who was a monk in Schnals) and others. The modern manuscripts are consistently interesting, too: chronicles, journals, texts in the fields of law, administration, constitution, the military, genealogy, economics, technology, medicine and geography are represented as well as works of fiction. Among them are rarities such as two Ladin texts, Cod. 1037, a catechism in the Ennebergian dialect, and the shelfmark 20.336, a dictionary of the Fassan dialect by Hugo Rossi,
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *

Katalog der Handschriften der Universiäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck. Teil 10: Cod. 951-1198

Katalog der Handschriften der Universiäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck. Teil 10: Cod. 951-1198 von Gritsch,  Helmut, Kennel,  Patrick, Neuhauser,  Walter, Neyer,  Rita, Ohlenschläger,  Alexandra, Pinter,  Anna, Schretter-Picker,  Claudia
Established in 1987, the Katalog der Handschriften der Innsbrucker Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ULBT) is a scientific manuscript catalogue in line with the guidelines of the Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The present tenth volume (FWF project no. P25151-G18, edited under the direction of Dr. Walter Neuhauser) concludes the series, meaning that the complete inventory of the ULBT’s manuscripts is now recorded. As a result of the less extensive requirements for descriptions of modern manuscripts, it was possible to include all the shelfmarks starting from Cod. 951 in a single volume. Three medieval manuscripts, while unimpressive in appearance, are to be mentioned as cimelia: Cod. 960 (Thuringia, 1391), containing three sacred plays and kept in Neustift since 1445 at the latest, which can be seen as the origin of Tyrol’s culture of plays flourishing in the 15th and 16th century; Cod. 961 (Tyrol, ca. 1415), the oldest copy of the Pluemen der Tugent by the Tyrolean poet Hans Vintler; Cod. 979 (Schnals, 15th century), German translations of latin books of meditations by Niklas von Wyle, Heinrich Haller (who was a monk in Schnals) and others. The modern manuscripts are consistently interesting, too: chronicles, journals, texts in the fields of law, administration, constitution, the military, genealogy, economics, technology, medicine and geography are represented as well as works of fiction. Among them are rarities such as two Ladin texts, Cod. 1037, a catechism in the Ennebergian dialect, and the shelfmark 20.336, a dictionary of the Fassan dialect by Hugo Rossi,
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *

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