Das menschliche Schicksal zwischen Individuation und Identifizierung

Das menschliche Schicksal zwischen Individuation und Identifizierung von Chiland,  Colette, Herzog,  James M., Lebovici,  Serge, Leupold-Löwenthal,  H., Müller-Pozzi,  Heinz, Stork,  Jochen
If the theme of a symposium is: »Human destiniy between individuation and identification«, it can be rightly assumed that the phenomenon of individuation is the central focus of reflection. Individuation has been a primary principle of human existence in the area of philosophy but has received little consideration in psychoanalysis as of yet. The phenomenon of individuation should be taken up within a relationship of contrasts within which human singularity and particularity receive their meaning. It should dela with the difficult relationship that individuation and identification form together. Finding or not finding a solution to this conflict is crucial for the destiny of every individual.
Aktualisiert: 2019-07-18
> findR *

Zur Psychologie und Psychopathologie des Säuglings – neue Ergebnisse in der psychoanalytischen Reflexion

Zur Psychologie und Psychopathologie des Säuglings – neue Ergebnisse in der psychoanalytischen Reflexion von Chiland,  Colette, Harnisch,  Rainer, Häußinger,  Gabriele, Holzboog,  Eckhart, Köhler,  Lotte, Lazar,  Ross A., Lebovici,  Serge, Lehmann,  Nora, Minde,  Klaus K., Papoušek,  Hanuš, Stork,  Jochen
Researchers of various orientations have made new and fascinating discoveries in the field of early childhood, first made accessible by Freud and psychoanalysis. These discoveries widen our knowledge about man's psychic development and question positions thusfar adopted. Basic to our new understanding is the discovery of the »active« infant. Contrary to the old concept of the infant as a passive being, whose activities after birth are merely of a reflexive nature, more recent research describes an infant who from birth onwards is capable of primitive perception, simple thinking processes and of a rudimentary form of intentionality. Thereby the infant succeeds in pursuing an intention and in gaining a degree of independence. Right from the start she/he interacts actively with the world around her/him in order to explore and influence it.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

Das menschliche Schicksal zwischen Individuation und Identifizierung. Ein psychoanalytischer Versuch

Das menschliche Schicksal zwischen Individuation und Identifizierung. Ein psychoanalytischer Versuch von Chiland,  Colette, Herzog,  James M., Holzboog,  Eckhart, Lebovici,  Serge, Leupold-Löwenthal,  H., Müller-Pozzi,  Heinz, Stork,  Jochen
If the theme of a symposium is: »Human destiniy between individuation and identification«, it can be rightly assumed that the phenomenon of individuation is the central focus of reflection. Individuation has been a primary principle of human existence in the area of philosophy but has received little consideration in psychoanalysis as of yet. The phenomenon of individuation should be taken up within a relationship of contrasts within which human singularity and particularity receive their meaning. It should dela with the difficult relationship that individuation and identification form together. Finding or not finding a solution to this conflict is crucial for the destiny of every individual.
Aktualisiert: 2019-01-08
> findR *

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